WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Biden-Harris Administration Takes Critical Action to Protect 100 Million People from PFAS Pollution in Drinking Water
Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Last week, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the first-ever national drinking water standard to protect communities from exposure to harmful per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as ‘forever chemicals,’ as well as $1 billion through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to help every state and territory fund PFAS detection and treatment systems to meet the new standard. These actions complement President Biden’s action plan and commitment to address PFAS pollution, safeguard public health, and advance environmental justice – all while advancing the Biden Cancer Moonshot goal of cutting the cancer death rate by at least half by 2047 and preventing cancer before it starts by protecting communities from known risks associated with PFAS exposure.
Leaders from across the country praised the announcement. Here is what they are saying:
Environmental and Clean Water Advocates
Ken Cook, President, Environmental Working Group: “More than 200 million Americans could have PFAS in their tap water and for decades Americans have been exposed to toxic ‘forever chemicals’ with no oversight from their government. That’s because for generations, PFAS chemicals slid off of every federal environmental law like a fried egg off a Teflon pan – until Joe Biden came along. Today’s announcement of robust, health protective legal limits on PFAS in tap water will finally give tens of millions of Americans the protection they should have had decades ago. It is the most consequential decision to regulate drinking water in 30 years. We commend EPA Administrator Michael Regan for his tireless leadership to make this decision a reality, and Council on Environmental Quality Chair Brenda Mallory for making sure PFAS is tackled with the ‘whole of government’ approach President Biden promised.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Andrea Amico, Co-Founder, Testing for Pease: “Today I am celebrating the announcement of the first federal drinking water standards for PFAS. These actions are a momentous milestone for communities all across the country. President Biden pledged to set a PFAS drinking water standard in 2020 as part of the Biden-Harris plan to secure environmental justice. The Biden EPA fulfilled this important promise and as a result, thousands of lives will be saved. The PFAS drinking water standard finalized today will set science-based limits on PFAS in drinking water for six PFAS. While some states have set their own PFAS drinking water standards, millions of Americans in 39 states will soon have cleaner water, thanks to the EPA. All of us should be protected from PFAS, regardless of where we live. Today’s announcement is not only historic, it is long overdue. Once implemented, the PFAS drinking water standard will prevent tens of thousands of serious and chronic illnesses.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Maureen Cunningham, Chief Strategy Officer & Director of Water, Environmental Policy Innovation Center (EPIC): “With this historic step forward by the US EPA, we hope that PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ will be ‘no longer’ in our drinking water. By combining billions of available infrastructure dollars and technical assistance for communities with these new – and historic – national drinking water standards for PFAS, the Biden-Harris Administration has once again prioritized public health beyond what we could have imagined. EPIC hails this announcement, and looks forward to rolling up our sleeves to do the hard work of ensuring water from the nation’s kitchen taps – regardless of your zip code – is safe to drink.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Tony Spaniola, Co-Chair, Great Lakes PFAS Action Network: “This is a monumental victory for the American people. Simply put, these PFAS drinking water standards will save the lives of countless Americans for generations to come. Thank you to President Biden for putting public health — and sound science — above the demands of powerful special interests. Thank you to the EPA for its diligent work. And thank you to our friends and allies in Congress and in communities across the country for never giving up. Together, we have shown that government can work for all of us.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Sarah Woodbury, Vice President of Programs and Policy, Defend Our Health: “In 2022, EPA told us that there was no safe level of certain PFAS in drinking water, and today, the federal government is protecting communities all over the country living with ongoing exposure. We are grateful to the EPA and the Biden Administration for taking this important step to protect public health by setting such strong standards for drinking water systems. We are also grateful that there is one billion dollars in grant funding for those with residential wells to help test and remediate their wells.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Madeleine Foote, Deputy Legislative Director, League of Conservation Voters: “EPA’s first-ever national drinking water standards are a historic win for people all across the country whose health has been impacted by toxic PFAS ‘forever chemicals.’ Everyone should be able to turn on their tap and trust that the water is safe. But chemical companies and other Big Polluters have made that impossible for tens of millions of people by knowingly dumping hazardous chemicals into our waters for decades. The Biden administration is delivering on their commitment to protect clean water for our communities, especially communities of color and low wealth communities disproportionately impacted by PFAS and other pollution. We applaud the administration for taking this momentous step and look forward to continuing to work together to hold the chemical companies accountable for the damage they have done to our health and to ensure that everyone, no matter their race, zip code, or income, has access to safe, clean water.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Mark Ruffalo, Actor and Activist: “After decades of delay, President Biden’s EPA has finally delivered a PFAS drinking water standard that will protect all of us. President Biden and his team pledged to make PFAS a priority and he has delivered. No administration has done more to address the urgent threat posed by these toxic forever chemicals. My message to polluters is simple: After poisoning your workers and neighbors for decades, we are finally making our public health, not your profits, our top priority. My message to communities devastated by PFAS pollution is equally simple: Your voices have been heard.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Rob Bilott, Author, Advocate, and Attorney, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP: “Today we can celebrate a huge victory for public health in this country — the US EPA is moving forward to protect drinking water across the United States by adopting federally-enforceable limits on some of the most toxic, persistent, and bioaccumulative chemicals ever found in our nation’s drinking water supply. Today’s action by EPA is the culmination of decades of work to raise awareness of the global threat to human health and the environment presented by these man-made ‘forever chemicals.’” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Monica Lewis-Patrick, President and CEO, We the People of Detroit: “Today, We the People of Detroit commends the Environmental Protection Agency for creating the nation’s first enforceable standards to regulate PFAS in our drinking water. Michigan and the Great Lakes Region are all too familiar with devastating water contamination issues. Industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and lead contamination have plagued our water sources, and PFAS has proven to be a significant compounding threat. Research has shown that dangerous forever chemicals have entered our food chain, putting low-income populations and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color at increased risk from consuming contaminated water and fish from U.S. water sources, including the Detroit River. We applaud this work and believe this rule, informed by significant public input and evidence-based research, is a critical step in protecting our nation’s drinking water as we move towards a clean water future.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Jeff Carter, President, Clean Water Action: “The first-ever Safe Drinking Water Act standards for some PFAS chemicals are a win for impacted communities, a welcome promise kept, and a wake-up call. Clean Water Action is making sure policymakers hear that wake-up call and start acting on PFAS pollution where it starts. If we keep manufacturing and using PFAS chemicals, they will lead to the need for more drinking water treatment and thus higher costs for communities and our water bills.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Sarah Doll, National Director, Safer States: “This is a huge victory. These new rules will give communities across America access to safer drinking water. For years, states have led the way in addressing PFAS contamination. We applaud the administration for stepping up to ensure that all states and communities have these protections.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, Citizens Campaign for the Environment: “Citizens Campaign for the Environment thanks the EPA for adopting stringent, enforceable standards that will protect public health and safety. Furthermore, the substantial funding made available from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will help ensure that both utilities and private well owners have much-needed resources to remove PFAS from drinking water. It is clear the EPA’s priority was protecting public health, and we applaud them for their dedication to this important process and for providing funding, especially for rural districts, disadvantaged communities, and private homeowners. This new rule will benefit every American and generations to come. We look forward to working with New York State to implement these strong standards as soon as possible.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Linda Robles, Founder, Environmental Justice Task Force: “The final PFAS drinking water standards are a testament to the continued advocacy for everyone’s right to live, work, and play in safe environments. People in my community have suffered from illness and tragedy due to PFAS contamination. Regulators owe communities stronger rules protecting them from big polluters. The new rules are a starting point.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Emily Donovan, Co-Founder, Clean Cape Fear: “For decades, our community suffered from extreme levels of PFAS, like GenX, in our tap water. EPA took a historic step to addressing PFAS contamination with these new drinking water standards. I firmly believe this will improve public health for generations to come. This only happened because of the power of grassroots community groups uniting with environmental and health advocates. We will continue fighting until all exposures to PFAS are stopped.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Olga Morales-Pate, CEO, Rural Community Assistance Partnership: “The dangers posed by PFAS affect all water systems no matter how big or small. Recent reporting has shown that nearly 70 million Americans regularly drink water tainted by these forever chemicals which are unsafe in any quantity. RCAP applauds EPA’s efforts to establish national drinking water standards for PFAS. We will continue working with the agency to ensure that small rural and Tribal systems have the technical and financial resources to mitigate these and other contaminants in our most essential natural resource, water.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Ruth Ann Norton, President and CEO, Green & Healthy Homes Initiative: “Over 200 million Americans drink water that contains PFAS and we must take greater action to reduce PFAS exposure in our drinking water. The EPA’s new heightened PFAS standards are a strong step forward to protect our children, communities, environment and water systems from these forever chemicals that harm health and impair lifelong opportunity.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Patricia Sinicropi, Executive Director, WateReuse Association: “The WateReuse Association applauds EPA’s commitment to removing harmful levels of PFAS from drinking water to ensure that Americans have access to safe drinking water. WateReuse is committed to ensuring access to safe drinking water through the use of advanced, purified recycled water and we look forward to working with EPA and the water sector to advance the goals of these new standards.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Pauli Undesser, MWS, CAE, CEO, Water Quality Association: “These new regulations underscore the importance of proactive measures in providing access to high-quality drinking water. Water treatment professionals stand ready to help with certified point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry (POE) solutions that offer consumers a reliable means to protect their homes from potential health risks associated with PFAS.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Jessica Merricks, Co-Founder, Clean Haw River: “The final PFAS drinking water standards mark an important step in protecting public health from toxic contamination. The new standards will protect millions from the insidious health effects of these chemicals, including cancer and thyroid disease. It’s a victory for public health that’s been long overdue.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Allison Harvey Turner, CEO, Water Foundation: “PFAS is a toxic problem across the US, and we’re pleased to see EPA taking the important step of setting standards to protect people and nature.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Dr. Anna Reade, Director of PFAS Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council: “A growing body of scientific research shows that PFAS chemicals are more harmful to human health than previously thought, and at extremely low levels. Safe water is a human right and reducing exposure to even just six of the thousands of PFAS is a worthy start to tackling this massive public health and environmental crisis.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Dr. Val Z. Schull, Water Equity and Ocean Program Director, GreenLatinos: “We are grateful that this announcement comes with legally enforceable drinking water standards for six PFAS, which will mitigate these health risks and improve the well-being of the Latine community. The additional $1 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding for communities impacted by PFAS to be able to not only monitor drinking water, but also implement treatment technologies, are pivotal to ensuring everyone has clean and safe drinking water. We look forward to working with the administration, water systems and communities to ensure that impacted communities are not only informed about the safety of their drinking water, but also that the solutions to this drinking water contamination do not further burden impacted communities with fronting the costs of these necessary actions.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Maria Doa, Senior Director Chemicals Policy, Environmental Defense Fund: “EPA used the best available science as the basis for setting drinking water standards for these toxic PFAS. In setting these enforceable limits, EPA considered our exposure to multiple of these PFAS at once, which can help provide a more complete picture of health risks and inform standards that are truly protective of our health. EPA’s action today is the most significant step to date to safeguard public health from these pernicious forever chemicals.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Katherine O’Brien, Attorney, Earthjustice: “At last, EPA has taken powerful action to protect the tens of millions of people across the country whose drinking water is contaminated with dangerous levels of PFAS. The law and science strongly support EPA’s standards, and we will advocate to ensure they are fully implemented and enforced.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
La’Meshia Whittington, Principal CEO, Whittington & Staley Group: “The establishment of national standards for PFAS in drinking water means justice for my own ancestors, for my family and the countless communities I serve who have had to bury loved ones due to an invisible enemy lurking in our drinking water.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Dana Colihan, Co-facilitator, National PFAS Contamination Coalition: “Impacted communities have been raising the alarm bells and tirelessly organizing for these drinking water protections for years. This is a landmark decision that will save countless lives. We will continue to fight for justice for the victims of PFAS exposure, regulation of PFAS as a class, and turning off the tap of contamination to ensure a contamination crisis of this scale never happens again.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Tracey J. Woodruff, PhD, Professor and Director, UCSF Program on Reproductive Health: “Today’s action by EPA to reduce levels of 6 PFAS chemicals from people’s drinking water is monumental and will improve the health of millions, including those most susceptible to PFAS harms, like pregnant people and infants. EPA’s decision to regulate 4 PFAS – PFNA, PFHXS, PFBS and GENX – as a mixture and recognize the additive effect of PFAS chemicals on health is also the type of actions we expect across all of EPA when considering health risks from chemicals. This, along with other recent EPA decisions including reducing toxic air contaminants are a giant win for the health of everyone who lives in the United States.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Ann Mesnikoff, Federal Legislative Director, Environmental Law and Policy Center: “Today is a big day for safe, clean drinking water for tens of millions of people across the country and in the Great Lakes region. The US EPA is taking a critical step to address the growing threat from a broad category of chemicals known as PFOAs or PFAs (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in drinking water. These chemicals are a threat to public health including increasing cancer risk and reproductive and developmental problems. These chemicals are used broadly in cookware, food packaging, clothing, carpeting and firefighting foam. Known as ‘forever chemicals,’ PFAs persist in the environment and our bodies for years. That is why EPA’s action today is so critical.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
John Rumpler, Policy Center Clean Water Director, Environment America Research: “The EPA is taking a vital step toward protecting our drinking water from the toxic scourge of PFAS – including assistance for rural Americans. Hopefully, this rule also reinforces the message that it is time to stop using these chemicals in the first place.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Indra Frank, Environmental Health and Water Policy Director, Hoosier Environmental Council: “As in many other states, testing in Indiana has identified PFAS chemicals in tap water at some locations, as well as in some of the sources of drinking water. That is why the Hoosier Environmental Council (HEC) welcomes the new limits EPA is putting on PFAS in drinking water. This will make drinking water safer for the people in our state. HEC also supports efforts to prevent PFAS contamination of water before it gets to drinking water.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Dana Colihan, Co-Facilitator, National PFAS Contamination Coalition: “Impacted communities have been raising the alarm bells and tirelessly organizing for these drinking water protections for years. This is a landmark decision that will save countless lives. We will continue to fight for justice for the victims of PFAS exposure, regulation of PFAS as a class, and turning off the tap of contamination to ensure a contamination crisis of this scale never happens again.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Dana Strande, Advocate, Sister of Amara Strande: “A national standard would help all water treatment facilities to work together to find solutions to address PFAS. A standard that supplies clean water to everyone who lives within our plume would also mean that everyone in our community would be protected. Cancer costs our community money in lost wages, lost taxes, higher health insurance costs, and ultimately, the loss of people’s lives who would have contributed to the quality of our community.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Hope Grosse, Co-Founder, Buxmont Coalition for Safe Water: “[This] will save lives and prevent others from the needless suffering my family and my community has suffered at the hands of these toxic chemicals. No one should have to live in fear that every ache or pain in their body will end up being a cancer diagnosis that could have been prevented through more rigorous drinking water standards.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Elizabeth Cisar, Director of Environment Programs, The Joyce Foundation: “Today EPA is taking a critical step for providing safe drinking water for everyone. Now we need to roll up our sleeves and make sure every water system in America can address the threat of these forever chemicals.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Alabama Rivers Alliance: “Alabama Rivers Alliance applauds the finalization of new EPA limits on PFAS chemicals under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Limiting PFOA and PFOS in drinking water – two of the most-studied substances in the PFAS chemical class – is welcome news to communities throughout Alabama, the Southeast, and the United States who have had their health and their livelihoods threatened by these persistent and toxic ‘forever chemicals.’” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Moms Clean Air Force: “The agency’s rule is aimed at a mix of industrial chemicals — widely used in consumer products — that can pose a health risk to people at even the smallest detectable levels of exposure. The EPA says the rule will reduce PFAS exposure in drinking water for around 100 million people.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Union and Labor Leaders
Mark McManus, General President, United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA): “For generations, the plumber has protected the health of the nation and worked to deliver clean and safe water to our communities. This legally enforceable drinking water standard will ensure that we continue our essential work and remove deadly PFAS contaminants from our water supply. The Biden Administration is committed to protecting public health and making sure all infants and children can grow up without the deadly scourge of these forever chemicals. At the United Association, our members are incredibly proud of the work we do each and every day to achieve that goal. We look forward to our continued partnership with the EPA and the Biden Administration to deliver a future where clean and safe water, free from PFAS and other contaminants, is the norm.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Lee Saunders, President, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME): “On behalf of AFSCME members nationwide, including thousands who work in water safety, I commend the Environmental Protection Agency’s new rule setting limits on dangerous manufactured ‘forever chemical’ toxins in our drinking water. This new rule will give all of us greater peace of mind that when we turn on the tap, we won’t be putting our families at risk. Once again, the new bipartisan infrastructure law is paying huge dividends — providing major investments that will mean stronger, healthier communities.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Paul D. Bishop, President and CEO, Water Professionals International: “We at Water Professionals International (WPI) commend the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new national standards to mitigate PFAS in drinking water. Water and wastewater operators stand as pillars of our public health system, and as such, are vigilant stewards of our most precious resource – water. The EPA’s proactive steps are pivotal in addressing the vital long-term health aspects of PFAS and ensuring the safety of our communities. We applaud the EPA for this crucial step towards safeguarding our nation’s water quality and public health. The future of water in the US hinges on the strong leadership of the EPA and the dedication of water professionals who are at the forefront of our health systems and environment. We wholeheartedly endorse their actions to protect the water we depend on today and for future generations.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Private Sector Leaders
Robert Bowcock, Founder and Managing Director, Integrated Resource Management: “Working with small community drinking water systems throughout the country helping them understand and deploy cost effective water treatment technologies that permanently capture and destroy PFAS, it is comforting to see the USEPA and the Administration are taking the necessary steps, while listening to every voice, to protect the public’s health and the future of our environment.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Karine Rouge, CEO, Veolia North America’s Municipal Water: “Regarding the EPA’s establishment of mandatory drinking water standards for PFAS, Veolia has been moving aggressively to meet the challenge of protecting public health and the environment. Our customers are already seeing positive results, with more than 30 treatment sites operating in three states and another 50 in planning or construction. Our experience shows that PFAS is a challenge that can be solved with dedicated resources, deep experience, and a commitment to protect public health while we work to keep the cost of compliance as low as possible.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Snehal Desai, Senior Vice President & Chief Growth and Innovation Officer, Xylem: “PFAS contamination is one of the most widespread water challenges facing communities across the country. Support for water utilities from all stakeholders is essential. It will take a concerted effort for communities to tailor response plans, deploy treatment solutions to community-specific challenges, and access the necessary funding. But we’re not starting from scratch. The utilities and technology providers that have already deployed PFAS mitigation solutions know how to get the job done, and they can help others safeguard their communities’ water.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Congressional Leaders
Senator Tom Carper (DE), Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Chair: “For years, toxic forever chemicals have polluted our drinking water and threatened the health of Americans. Today, the EPA is taking a historic step to protect public health with the first-ever national standard for PFAS in drinking water. The EPA took a thoughtful approach to allow utilities time to deploy new and emerging technologies that will make drinking water safer for all Americans. I’m looking forward to continuing to work with the Biden Administration to ensure every American has access to clean, safe and reliable drinking water and water services!” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Senator Tammy Duckworth (IL): “ NEWS: @EPA just announced its first-ever legally enforceable limit on PFAS in our drinking water. This new rule—along with federal funding that comes from my DWWIA law—will help clean up communities and protect our children and public health. Clean water is a right.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Senator Jeff Merkley (OR): “PFAS are called ‘forever chemicals’ because the harm they cause is lasting. The Biden administration is taking critical, bold action to ensure communities have safe, clean water. I’ll continue to fight in the Senate to tackle the serious threat of PFAS.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Senator Dick Durbin (IL): “.@EPA’s first-ever nationwide drinking water standards for PFAS rely on the latest science to protect Illinois communities from the health harms of these forever chemicals. This announcement is the most significant action under @EPAMichaelRegan’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Senator Martin Heinrich (NM): “Clean water is essential to the health and economic well-being of working families. I applaud @EPA for taking a major step forward today in protecting our communities from dangerous PFAS chemicals & helping New Mexicans build a stronger foundation for the future.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Senator Peter Welch (VT): “Forever chemicals, like PFAS, threaten public health and disproportionately impact marginalized communities. In Vermont, we’ve taken aggressive steps to limit the levels of PFAS in our drinking water because no Vermonter should have to worry about the safety of their drinking water. I’m pleased to see the Biden Administration take important steps in the fight against PFAS and follow Vermont’s lead in creating a national and legally-enforceable drinking water standard to protect public health and foster healthier communities across the country.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Senator Ben Cardin (MD): “Huge news. As the threat of PFAS grow, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking action, establishing the first-ever drinking water standards for these ‘forever chemicals.’ Clean water belongs in every American household.” 🥤” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH): “Today, @EPA took a huge step toward ensuring our drinking water is safe for all, including Granite Staters! New Hampshire will receive more than $9 million to address PFAS, and I’m proud that our state has been a leader in tackling this public health and environmental challenge.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Senator Alex Padilla (CA): “ICYMI: The @EPA is establishing the first-ever PFAS drinking water standard. This is a huge step forward in protecting our communities from forever chemicals!” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Steny Hoyer (MD-05): “I applaud the Biden Administration for this landmark action on PFAS, or ‘forever chemicals.’ This rule will improve access to safe drinking water for families in #MD05. As Chair of @RLC_Leaders, I am proud to continue working with @EPA to create healthier communities.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06), Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member, and Representative Paul Tonko (NY-20), Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Subcommittee Ranking Member: “PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ are toxic, dangerous, and have absolutely no business being in Americans’ drinking water. The fact they are being found in water systems across the country, combined with the severe health risks they pose even at low levels, makes today’s announcement a welcome development to an urgent and growing public health threat. We are thrilled the Biden EPA is stepping up to tackle this crisis with strong, enforceable drinking water standards to protect Americans from six insidious PFAS chemicals. Every American deserves to know the water coming out of their tap is safe, and today’s announcement is a tremendous step toward making that a reality. We also applaud EPA for pairing these new standards with a $1 billion investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – funding we fought hard to include, knowing how important it is that our water systems receive the resources they need to keep Americans’ water safe. There is still important work to do, and many more PFAS chemicals that must be scrutinized, but these new standards are a strong and admirable first step. We commend the Biden Administration for being a dedicated partner in this fight and will keep working closely with EPA to protect every American’s right to safe, clean drinking water.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Representative Elissa Slotkin (MI-07): “Today’s announcement is a landmark moment in the fight to clean up PFAS. For the first time, the EPA has finalized national, enforceable standards for PFAS contamination, and will require public water systems to take action to meet them. Michigan has focused on water quality issues in a serious way since the Flint water crisis, & when the EPA was slow to issue PFAS standards, Michigan developed its own. But the fight has always been at the federal level, & I’m thrilled to see nationwide standards set today.
More than almost any issue, I have worked on this since my first days in Congress, pushing administrations of both parties for a national drinking water standard on PFAS contamination – through legislation, Pentagon amendments, and direct engagement with the EPA. Many other Michigan legislators, activists, and concerned citizens have worked it long before me. This is a big deal, and I’ll be working closely with all impacted communities to ensure these new standards get Michiganders the answers they deserve as soon as possible.” [X Thread, 04/10/2024]
Representative Nanette D. Barragán (CA-44): “Toxic PFAS pollution has been poisoning our water, our communities, and our health for too long. I’m thrilled to see @EPA’s new PFAS drinking water standard to tackle PFAS contamination and #ProtectCleanWater. @POTUS continues delivering to protect our communities!” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Dan Kildee (MI-08): “Today’s first-ever drinking water standard is a testament to what we can accomplish when we stand united to take on special interests. This standard acknowledges what we have known for years—PFAS chemicals pose a grave danger to the health of our communities. I applaud President Biden for taking action to protect our children and communities from these harmful chemicals.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07): “Yesterday, @POTUS announced new restrictions on polluters. Today, he’s taking steps to enforce a drinking water standard and get forever chemicals out of our water. Democrats are the party of clean air and clean water, and we’ll continue working to keep Americans safe & healthy.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12): “This is huge. PFAS exposure has been linked to higher rates of cancer, lower birth weights, reduced fertility, high cholesterol, and a litany of other negative health effects — many of which most severely impact our most vulnerable communities. #ProtectCleanWater.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Diana DeGette (CO-01): “Every American has the right to clean & safe drinking water, but toxic PFAS chemicals pose significant risks to public health even in trace amounts in water. I am glad to see @EPA’s new PFAS drinking water standard to tackle PFAS contamination & keep our water clean nationwide.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Andre Carson (IN-07): “BREAKING: @POTUS & @EPA heeded our calls to set a strong new drinking water standard to tackle toxic PFAS contamination. This is a huge step forward to safeguard communities from dangerous forever chemicals, improve public health, and #ProtectCleanWater.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Deborah Ross (NC-02): “Great news! Today, the @EPA established the first-ever national standard to combat PFAS contamination in drinking water. Grateful that @POTUS is working to eliminate these harmful chemicals & ensure everyone has access to clean drinking water.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Betty McCollum (MN-04): “Reducing the contamination of ‘forever chemicals’ in our drinking water has been a high priority of mine in Congress. The EPA’s announcement is good news to protect the health and safety of the American people, and I applaud EPA for following the science to issue these strict limits on multiple PFAS. As the top Democrat on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, I have secured more than half a billion dollars in federal funding to address PFAS, and I look forward to working together with partners on the federal, state, and local levels to ensure all of our communities have safe drinking water.” [Statement, 04/04/2024]
Representative Ann McLane Kuster (NH-02): “PFAS contamination has impacted far too many lives in our state—it’s critical that water safety be taken seriously. Everyone deserves access to safe, clean drinking water, and I’m pleased to see the EPA take steps to reduce PFAS exposure in NH and beyond.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Robin Kelly (IL-02): “I applaud @POTUS for implementing these new water protections, which will ensure that over 660,000 Illinoisans receive clean drinking water free from PFAS and other forever chemicals. Clean drinking water is a human right.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Andy Kim (NJ-03): “PFAS chemicals pose extreme health risks for people. This is a vital step to ensure our communities’ drinking water remains safe from these dangerous chemicals. We are proud the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is helping make this historic rule and investment possible!” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Jared Huffman (CA-02): “I’ve worked in Congress to remove harmful forever chemicals from our environment, and I’m excited the @EPA made this historic rule. There’s more work to do, but this is a huge step to #ProtectCleanWater for all.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Haley Stevens (MI-11): “Thrilled the @EPA has passed the first national drinking water standards for PFAS. This historic moment is the result of years of work by environmental, public health advocates, and the Administration. Over 100 million Americans are exposed to dangerous chemicals through their drinking water and Michigan has one of the highest concentrations of PFAS-contaminated sites. Michigan communities must be free of PFAS-contaminated water. Today’s historic rule is combined with a new $1 billion investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to invest in science-based monitoring and prevention to keep our drinking water clean. I will continue to work with colleagues in Congress, local municipalities, and @POTUS to ensure all Americans – especially children – have access to affordable, clean drinking water.” [X Thread, 04/10/2024]
Representative Hilary Scholten (MI-03): “West Michiganders know the dangers of PFAS pollution all too well. I’m thrilled to see @EPA implementing a new national standard to protect communities and our waterways from these harmful forever chemicals.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Teresa Leger Fernández (NM-03): “BREAKING: @EPA just announced the first-ever national standard to combat PFAS contamination in drinking water. We know AGUA ES VIDA — so I am glad to see @POTUS’ new drinking water standard to tackle PFAS keep our water clean nationwide.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Chris Pappas (NH-01): “These regulations are a much-needed step forward in addressing PFAS contamination in drinking water and protecting public health. Pleased that @EPA is designating funding from the bipartisan infrastructure law to help communities combat PFAS pollution.” [X Post , 04/10/2024]
Representative Debbie Dingell (MI-06): “I thank @POTUS @EPA for their continued commitment to ensuring clean, safe drinking water for all Americans & for prioritizing the fight against PFAS. I’ll continue to work with all levels of government & the Biden Administration to eliminate PFAS from our products & environment.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Madeline Dean (PA-04): “I’m delighted that the EPA has created the first-ever national standard to limit PFAS pollution in our drinking water, making communities safer nationwide. PFAS have been linked to cancers, liver disease, developmental damage to children, and more health issues. While ten states, including PA, have set their own Maximum Contaminant Levels PFAS this new federal rule will be a stricter standard. Now, more than 100 million people will be better protected from these ‘forever chemicals.’” [X Thread, 04/10/2024]
Representative Marilyn Strickland (WA-10): “Good news – the Biden Administration just launched an action plan to combat PFAS contamination across the nation. I’m fighting for clean water at home in the #SouthSound.” [X Post, 04/10/24]
Representative Kevin Mullin (CA-15): “Every community in America deserves clean drinking water. @EPA’s new guidelines limiting PFAS chemicals in tap water is a vital step to increase the accessibility of clean water and improve public health across our nation.” [X Post, 04/10/24]
Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01): “As Co-Chair of the bipartisan Congressional PFAS Task Force, I am pleased with today’s announcement from the Environmental Protection Agency finally establishing a national drinking water standard for PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) chemicals. Since first arriving to Congress, I have called for a standard to restrict the levels of these dangerous ‘forever chemicals’ in our communities’ drinking water and advocated for long-term health studies to understand the health impacts of PFAS – especially in the former Naval Air Warfare Center and Horsham Air Guard Station in my district. This final rule is another critical step in the right direction in protecting the American people from PFAS exposure and related health complications. Our work is far from complete. I look forward to continuing to advocate for federal investments in research and remediation efforts that will ensure that water sources are clean and safe for generations to come.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05): “The science is clear, exposure to certain #PFAS are linked to harmful health effects. Today, EPA is establishing the first-ever nationwide, legally enforceable drinking water standards to protect communities from PFAS in their drinking water.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative Kathy Castor (FL-14): “Drink up! @EPA and @POTUS are tapping in to new drinking water health standards that limit toxic chemicals so Americans can trust their water is clean and safe to consume.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Representative John Sarbanes (MD-03): “The science is clear: exposure to certain #PFAS is linked to harmful health effects. @EPA’s new, first-ever drinking water standards for #PFAS will prevent thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of illnesses.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition: “We are pleased that the Biden Administration heard our call to finalize a strong national drinking water standard for PFAS. EPA successfully ‘followed the science’ and set science-based limits for dangerous PFAS chemicals that pose a particular threat to the American people. Public water systems will need to monitor these toxic chemicals, notify the public when PFAS contamination is present, and work to reduce PFAS levels within their water systems. This new regulation is expected to result in $1.5 billion in annual health benefits by reducing tens of thousands of serious illnesses and preventing thousands of deaths across the country.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Congressional Progressive Caucus: “Progressives in Congress and movements around the country have long fought for clean drinking water as a human right, including the removal of forever chemicals. Thrilled to see the @EPA continue to move on our Executive Action Agenda and protect the health of our communities.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
State and Local Officials
Governor Gretchen Whitmer (MI): “Big news from the Biden administration today! Everyone deserves access to clean drinking water, and these new standards are a huge step towards protecting the environment and keeping our communities healthy.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Governor Josh Shapiro (PA): “Glad to see @EPA take this step to finalize our nation’s first ever national drinking water standards and help us safeguard every Pennsylvanians’ right to pure water. Pennsylvania has been a leader addressing these forever chemicals, and we will continue to work with federal and local partners to implement these new national standards and to ensure clean, safe drinking water for every Pennsylvanian.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
Governor Phil Murphy (NJ): “We applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for establishing national drinking water standards that will protect the health of all Americans from exposure to dangerous PFAS forever chemicals. New Jersey commends USEPA Administrator Michael S. Regan and his team for these actions and we share our gratitude for their considering groundbreaking PFAS science led by our Drinking Water Quality Institute, and experts like New Jersey’s own Dr. Gloria Post, Ph.D., who the Administrator graciously invited to serve on his Science Advisory Board. While PFAS present a continuing challenge to New Jersey’s water supplies, added support from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has enabled New Jersey to provide its water systems with the low-cost financing needed to make upgrades that will reduce PFAS exposure, protect the health of New Jersey families, and ensure that businesses who too rely upon clean water continue to thrive in the Garden State.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Governor Roy Cooper (NC): “We are thankful that Administrator Regan and the Biden Administration are taking this action to protect drinking water in North Carolina and across the country. We asked for this because we know science-based standards for PFAS and other compounds are desperately needed.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway (Madison, WI): “I am pleased to see the U.S. EPA releasing a drinking water standard for PFAS that is based on science and will protect the health of families and communities across the country. Local water utilities did not create this pollution, and yet they are tasked with a critically-important job – to provide safe drinking water. That’s why, in addition to supporting this standard, I applaud the EPA for providing billions in funding to protect our drinking water and address emerging contaminants, which helps us all keep our residents safe.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Mayor Katie Rosenberg (Wausau, WI): “This is historic. Today’s PFAS regulatory standard announcement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency shows what government can accomplish when it puts people first. Water is essential to human life and now communities, no matter their zip code, will have the assurance that their tap water is safe from the harmful effects of PFAS. And they will also have access to billions of dollars in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law dollars allocated directly to water programs to support removing those forever chemicals from their water systems and privately-owned wells. This is a fundamental investment in our nation’s health, infrastructure, and future.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
State Attorney General Kris Mayes (AZ): “PFAS — commonly referred to as forever chemicals — harm our environment and the health of Arizonans. This is a huge step to protect our drinking water.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
State Senator Rachel May (NY): “The EPA’s announcement is a major step forward for public health and safe drinking water. As the sponsor of legislation in NY State regarding disclosure of PFAS emissions (S227B), I am pleased that this growing environmental problem is being taken seriously at the highest levels of government. We need to protect all New Yorkers from the serious, long-term effects of these ‘forever chemicals.’ Protecting drinking water is the most fundamental way to reduce exposure, especially for children and other vulnerable populations.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
State Senator Pete Harckman (NY): “This is a landmark achievement by the @EPA in establishing necessary environmental protections. Toxic ‘forever’ chemicals have caused enough damage to humans and wildlife.” [X Thread, 04/10/2024]
State Representative Wendy E. N. Thomas (NH): “Huge news that will end up saving lives. Too many have already suffered from PFAS chronic exposure. This is a good and much needed decision.” [X Post, 04/10/2024]
State Assemblymember Michaelle C. Solages (NY): “The Biden administration’s finalization of strict limits on PFAS in drinking water represents a pivotal move to protect the health of millions, curbing exposure to these dangerous chemicals and potentially preventing countless cases of illness, including cancer. This landmark regulation sets a firm commitment to prioritizing health equity and underscores the importance of addressing the environmental challenges faced by communities all across New York State. It’s a crucial stride towards ensuring that all communities have access to safe and clean drinking water, regardless of race or socioeconomic status.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
State Senator Maria Collett (PA): “The @EPA’s new maximum contaminant levels for some of the most prevalent PFAS chemicals mark a crucial first step in restoring safety and confidence in America’s drinking water. And thanks to @POTUS’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, BILLIONS of dollars are now available to make sure water providers can meet these new standards.” [X Thread, 04/10/2024]
Melanie Loyzim, Commissioner, Maine Department of Environmental Protection: “Through many years of investigation, the U.S. EPA has shown that PFAS contamination in water supplies is not unique to just certain states or locations – it is a national problem. Maine DEP applauds the U.S. EPA for providing national leadership by identifying and reducing risks from PFAS in our drinking water. In addition to establishing an extremely protective standard, the funding offered by EPA for both public and private water supplies will be critical for rural states like Maine.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Elizabeth Biser, Secretary, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality: “Addressing PFAS requires a comprehensive approach and the partnership between EPA and the states is critical to our success on this issue. Having federal standards for these forever chemicals in our drinking water provides certainty for our public water systems and our residents. DEQ has already worked with water systems to measure for PFAS in advance of this rule, so they are well prepared to utilize the funding available now to take action and protect the people of North Carolina.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Cathy Bailey, Director, Greater Cincinnati Water Works: “Today, EPA continues along the path of ensuring safe drinking water for all communities. Now that we know better about these forever chemicals, this regulation will help us do better to reduce the risk of PFAS for our residents. While it adds another challenge for water utilities, and we recognize the importance of efforts to prevent PFAS contamination before we must treat for it; we are hopeful that efforts will continue to reduce it at the source while we now address the immediate needs of treating for PFAS in drinking water. Now more than ever we need to figure out how to address forever chemicals, lead, and other problems so we can provide safe, healthy, equitable solutions for all.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Brian Steglitz, Administrator, Ann Arbor Public Services Area: “Consistent with my testimony to Congress in 2019, we’re glad the EPA took action to develop national PFAS drinking water standards to protect Americans from these forever chemicals. Proactive investment in treatment technologies by Ann Arbor Water has positioned it to be immediately compliant with these new standards ensuring our customers continue to have access to safe and reliable drinking water.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Jim Kenney, Secretary, New Mexico Environment Department: “The U.S. EPA is delivering on its promise to establish drinking water standards for PFAS. This is a giant leap forward in safeguarding our most basic human need – access to clean drinking water.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Katrina Kessler, Commissioner, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency: “No one should have to worry about ‘forever chemicals’ when turning on their tap. Minnesota is a leader in protecting residents and drinking water supplies from PFAS pollution, and the EPA’s new federal regulations will strengthen this work and protect everyone in Minnesota and beyond.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Manisha Juthani, MD, Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Public Health: “Connecticut recognizes the public health threat posed by PFAS, and as a result of Governor Ned Lamont’s Interagency PFAS Task Force, we can protect all residents, including sensitive populations, from adverse health effects due to a lifetime of exposure to these chemicals in drinking water. The EPA’s decision to set enforceable limits for PFAS in public drinking water is a welcome tool that our agency can use to ensure that consumers of public drinking water are protected from these PFAS chemicals. Connecticut’s individual PFAS action levels also are consistent with the range of drinking water guidelines and standards recently established by other states, including neighboring states in the northeast.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
John Kim, Director, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency: “Illinois supports the action by USEPA to introduce the first nationwide primary drinking water regulation for PFAS chemicals. These standards will help states such as Illinois continue their ongoing work to protect communities from PFAS exposure. We look forward to continued partnership with USEPA as we work together to reduce impacts from these chemicals of concern.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Laura Watson, Director, Washington State Department of Ecology: “These new federal standards are a big step forward for protecting people’s health and the environment. We have been actively working to reduce PFAS contamination for years, and these standards will help create consistency and enhance cleanup work locally and nationally. We look forward to the positive changes they will make for Washington communities.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Shawn LaTourette, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection: “Only strong nationwide standards can ensure that every single American gets clean, safe drinking water free from PFAS forever chemicals that can endanger our health. As these persistent chemicals have wrought havoc upon communities across the nation, the polluters responsible for creating them have left their mess behind for the public to clean up. It takes bold, thoughtful action to confront such a pervasive environmental and public health dilemma. But, thanks to President Biden, Administrator Regan, and the USEPA professionals dedicated to protecting our health and environment, these new standards will ensure that no community will be left exposed to these dangerous PFAS chemicals in their public drinking water supplies.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Bonnie Heiple, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner: “The Healey-Driscoll administration applauds the Biden-Harris administration and the U.S Environmental Protection Agency for setting new, science-based standards to combat PFAS in drinking water. Massachusetts has been a national leader in addressing PFAS contamination–setting the state drinking water standard at 20 parts-per-trillion for the sum of six PFAS in 2020–and we will update our standards to be at least as stringent as the new federal level. We have provided more than a half-billion dollars in grants and loans directly to communities to combat PFAS contamination and build new treatment infrastructure across the state. Additional federal funding is both welcomed and necessary to keep our drinking water safe for all and help our cities and towns implement these health-based protections.” [Statement, 04/10/2024]
Read the full article at: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/what-they-are-saying-biden-harris-administration-takes-critical-action-protect-100