EPA Resolves Enforcement Action with Vishay Dale Electronics LLC for Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations in Columbus, Nebraska
Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

LENEXA, KAN. (MARCH 4, 2024) – Vishay Dale Electronics LLC has agreed to pay a civil penalty of $387,000 to resolve violations of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act at its Columbus, Nebraska, facilities.
The company is a worldwide manufacturer of electronic components, as alleged by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), violated multiple federal regulations intended to protect workers and the public from exposure to the hazardous waste it generated.
EPA inspected Vishay Dale’s facilities in May and October 2022 and determined that the company violated federal law by:
- Storing hazardous waste beyond 90 days without a required permit.
- Failing to properly label, contain, and maintain hazardous wastes.
- Failing to inspect hazardous waste containers.
- Failing to separate incompatible hazardous wastes.
- Failing to maintain and operate one of the facilities to minimize the possibility of fire, explosion, or any unplanned release of hazardous waste.
In response to the inspection findings, Vishay Dale agreed to take the necessary steps to return its facilities to compliance and will send quarterly reports to EPA demonstrating proper hazardous waste management.
According to EPA, Vishay Dale qualifies as a “large quantity generator” of hazardous solvents, caustics, and wipes. Exposure to these kinds of waste may lead to injury or death. Federal law requires facilities that generate hazardous wastes to identify the waste and implement safe generation, handling, transportation, and disposal practices.
EPA identified the communities surrounding Vishay Dale’s facilities as potentially sensitive areas, because of exposures to air toxics cancer risk, toxic releases to air, wastewater discharges, Superfund proximity, and hazardous waste proximity.
EPA is strengthening enforcement in overburdened communities to address disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of industrial operations on vulnerable populations.
Learn more about EPA programs that protect people from exposure to hazardous waste.
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Read the full article at: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-resolves-enforcement-action-vishay-dale-electronics-llc-alleged-hazardous-waste