Taking Stock: 100 Days of a Dangerous, Unhealthy Agenda

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Oil pumpjacks in Kern County, California Gary Kavanagh/iStock Since taking office, President Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress have unleashed the worst-ever assault on our right to breathe clean air, drink safe water, and enjoy healthy lands, moving to undo the historic progress of recent years to address climate […]

Climate-smart conservation along the Rio Grande

Published by the World Wildlife Fund The Rio Grande-Rio Bravo is the lifeblood of the water scarce Chihuahuan desert region. The river and its tributaries serve as the primary source of water for some 6 million people, and provide food and shelter to a number of plant and animal species. But, climate change, coupled with rising […]

Africa’s Largest Eagle Needs Its Space—and Lots of It

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Chris Eason/Flickr The martial eagle of sub-Saharan Africa can make some pretty impressive dives. With wingspans approaching nine feet, these gray-and-white raptors can take down a goat. Unfortunately, the eagle’s population is taking a steep plunge, too. The species numbered in the tens of thousands as recently as […]

L.A.’s Concrete River Gets Real

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Ninth Street Viaduct, Spanning the Los Angeles River at Olympic Boulevard Historic American Engineering Record/Library of Congress Even if you’ve never lived in Los Angeles, you still probably know the city’s eponymous river from the movies. Over the decades, Hollywood has given plenty of starring roles to this […]

My Vision for the Gulf

Published by Ocean Conservancy Together we can get to a Gulf that is restored, healthy and thriving once more. April 20, 2017, marks seven years since the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster began, taking the lives of 11 people and severely impacting the Gulf of Mexico. As someone who grew up and works in the Gulf, […]

Why I March: WWF activists on the importance of fighting climate change

Published by the World Wildlife Fund On Saturday, April 29, hundreds of thousands of people across the country will stand up to show they support action on climate change at the People’s Climate March. Our planet’s future depends on the decisions we make today. It’s up to all of us to come together and invest in […]

Why I March: WWF activists on the importance of fighting climate change

Published by the World Wildlife Fund On Saturday, April 29, hundreds of thousands of people across the country will stand up to show they support action on climate change at the People’s Climate March. Our planet’s future depends on the decisions we make today. It’s up to all of us to come together and invest in […]

Endangered Species Act Could Prevent Giraffe’s Extinction

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund It would be hard to picture an African landscape without giraffes. But sadly, that future may be a reality: The tallest land mammals in the world are headed towards extinction. Giraffe populations have declined almost 40% over the last 30 years, mostly because of hunting for bushmeat, habitat […]

How to Make Efficient Air Conditioners Cool in India

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund With early heat waves sweeping across cities in India this year, keeping cool is a major challenge. In addition to energy efficient-buildings and cool roofs, more climate-friendly air conditioning is one key solution. Companies in India and across the globe view the South Asian market, especially in Indian […]

100 Days of Harm

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund In his first three months as president, Donald Trump has waged an all-out, senseless attack on our environment. Enough is enough. An oil refinery in California iStock Like any arbitrary benchmark, the 100-day point of a new president’s term normally tells us only so much about what’s to come. […]

The South Needs the Clean Water Rule

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Congaree National Park, in South Carolina Congaree National Park South Carolina’s Congaree National Park is a small swamp off the beaten track, but like so many wetlands, it’s well connected—like a capillary within the country’s freshwater ecosystem. The swamp feeds the veins of the Congaree and Santee Rivers […]

Working together to save World Heritage Sites

Published by the World Wildlife Fund UNESCO World Heritage sites provide food, water, shelter and medicine to millions of people, contain ecosystems that are essential to many species and to the environment, and contribute to economic and social development. Yet nearly half of these sites are threatened by harmful industrial activities. On World Heritage Day, we’re […]

World Heritage sites, strongholds for tiger and African elephant populations, endangered by illegal harvesting of species

Published by the World Wildlife Fund World Heritage sites represent the best of what nature has to offer. Chosen for their iconic beauty and biodiversity, many of these sites provide vital habitat to globally important populations of threatened and endangered species—including one third of all wild tigers and forty percent of all African elephants. However highly […]

World Heritage sites, strongholds for tiger and African elephant populations, endangered by illegal harvesting of species

Published by the World Wildlife Fund World Heritage sites represent the best of what nature has to offer. Chosen for their iconic beauty and biodiversity, many of these sites provide vital habitat to globally important populations of threatened and endangered species—including one third of all wild tigers and forty percent of all African elephants. However highly […]

Working together to save World Heritage Sites

Published by the World Wildlife Fund UNESCO World Heritage sites provide food, water, shelter and medicine to millions of people, contain ecosystems that are essential to many species and to the environment, and contribute to economic and social development. Yet nearly half of these sites are threatened by harmful industrial activities. On World Heritage Day, we’re […]

Seven Gulf Animals Worth Protecting

Published by Ocean Conservancy It goes without saying that all Gulf animals are worth protecting. But we couldn’t share them all. So like a mother’s abundant, yet somewhat hierarchical, love for her batch of offspring, our list of seven Gulf animals exists with a twinge of favoritism. In recognition of next week’s seven-year anniversary of the […]

A whale’s eye view of Antarctica

Published by the World Wildlife Fund Whales are awe-inspiring and often elusive creatures. Their distribution and critical feeding areas are currently poorly understood, and as climate change and krill fishing increase, our time to learn more about these giant mammals is running out. However, with the help of Dr. Ari Friedlaender, a whale ecologist and National […]

A whale’s eye view of Antarctica

Published by the World Wildlife Fund Whales are awe-inspiring and often elusive creatures. Their distribution and critical feeding areas are currently poorly understood, and as climate change and krill fishing increase, our time to learn more about these giant mammals is running out. However, with the help of Dr. Ari Friedlaender, a whale ecologist and National […]

What Could Help Save the Endangered Crested Ibis?

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Crested ibis Danielinblue/Wikimedia Commons In the middle of the 19th century, more than 50,000 crested ibis were walking on their stilty legs through waterways across East Asia, everywhere from China and Russia to Korea and Japan. By 1981, only five of these long-beaked, red-faced birds were thought to […]

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