Beauty and Despair Collide in These Murals of the Great Lakes

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Pioneers, 2017. Oil and acrylic on wood panel, 72 x 144 inches. Courtesy of Alexis Rockman and Sperone Westwater, New York With loons and trout alongside allegorical monsters, the fantastical murals at the center of artist Alexis Rockman’s new exhibition don’t just look like a dream sequence; they […]

Climate Change May Bring Big Trouble to Big Bluestems (and the Cattle That Love Them)

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Konza Prairie, Kansas Vincent Parsons/Flickr Loretta Johnson tortures plants. She sets them in awkward positions, deprives them of water or gives them too much, then watches how they react. Her victims are tall grasses—big bluestems, specifically, an icon of the midwestern prairie. Johnson isn’t tormenting the plants for […]

The Attack on Our National Monuments Just Got Real

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund We’ll stand up to Trump’s raid on our public lands. Bob Wick/BLM In the single-largest attack on our public lands in U.S. history, President Trump went to Utah on Monday to strip nearly two million acres of necessary protections, exposing spectacular landscapes and sacred lands to industrial ruin for […]

Our Ocean at Work: A Thoroughly Modern Tool for Ancient Mariners

Published by Ocean Conservancy Flares of bright green with yellow streaks and intense spots of red and orange lights up a map of blue stretching out from the eastern shore. This data visualization captures one of the most ancient ways our species has traversed the planet—on ships that carry us across oceans to distant shores. Each […]

Thankful for Whales, Not Congress

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Each year at Thanksgiving, my family goes around the table and before we feast, we say what we are most thankful for. This year, I’m thankful for whales, not Congress. Congress isn’t making my list because any day now, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on […]

The Most Festive Shark There Ever Was?

Published by Ocean Conservancy The 2017 holiday season is upon us, and no matter where we go, it seems we can’t escape the joyful music, vibrant light displays and perfectly wrapped gift displays alongside shop window setups. Every other commercial on television is about a special sale for this time of year, and Facebook is flooding […]

Our Ocean at Work: Kicking Things Off

Published by Ocean Conservancy This is an exciting week for the ocean planning geeks here at Ocean Conservancy. We are kicking off an entire week of blogs highlighting real-world, local examples of how ocean planning is helping our ocean work. We are celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Plans being finalized. We are […]

Defending Renewable Energy in New England

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund New England’s state renewable energy laws provide numerous benefits and are key to the region’s efforts to combat climate change. But these popular laws are under attack, as opponents seek to undermine them and prop up polluting energy instead. This week, NRDC pushed back against one such challenge. […]

When Its Rainforest Disappeared, This Raptor Became a Beach Bum

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Ross Tsai/Flickr There are plenty of luxury resorts where you can find palm trees, infinity pools, and catamarans. But only in the Dominican Republic’s Punta Cana can you sip piña coladas in the sand as critically endangered, snake-snatching birds of prey circle the Caribbean skies above. Ridgway’s hawks […]

Tiger ranger, scientist, and detective

Published by the World Wildlife Fund Temperatures drop well below -30C during winter months in the bitter wilderness of the Russian Far East. There, Pavel Fomenko will spend weeks out in the forest—up to 40 days in a row—often alone. What brings Pavel out in such conditions and makes him stay? He is on the trail […]

The Little-known Life of the First African American Female Zoologist

Published by Ocean Conservancy It’s been nearly six months since I left the shores of Hawaii for the nation’s capital, ready to embark on a new journey as a Roger Arliner Young Marine (RAY) Conservation Diversity Fellow. I can still remember landing at Reagan National Airport, filled with trepidation, with one suitcase and my backpack. New […]

Coming Together to Protect Bears Ears

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Trump plans to further his disregard for America’s indigenous groups by removing protections for sacred public lands. Tim Peterson It wasn’t enough to hijack a ceremony to honor Navajo code talkers so he could deride a U.S. senator as “Pocahontas.” President Trump now plans to go to Utah on Monday to decimate the Bears […]

4 unseen benefits of protecting tigers and their habitat

Published by the World Wildlife Fund From the world’s largest mangrove forests in the Sundarbans to temperate forests in the snowy mountains of Bhutan, protecting tigers and their natural homes helps provide benefits for thousands of other animals and millions of people. Landscapes where tigers live overlap with globally important ecosystems, many of which are in […]

Planet Earth Needs a Trillion New Trees

Published by the Environmental News Service LONDON, UK, November 25, 2017 (ENS) – Three of world’s largest conservation organizations – BirdLife International, the Wildlife Conservation Society and WWF – have just launched an unprecedented 25-year tree planting and restoration effort they are calling the Trillion Trees program. Read the full article at:

How to Feed Hungry New Yorkers and Fight Climate Change

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund More than 3 million New Yorkers struggle to have enough to eat. At the same time, 40% of the food produced in this country is wasted—and here in New York, food makes up 18% of our municipal solid waste stream. The vast majority of this food is disposed […]

Congress is About to Vote on Offshore Drilling Bill

Published by Ocean Conservancy Whether you care about the Arctic, marine mammals, seabirds or endangered sea life—a piece of legislation is moving through Congress that would threaten them all. We can’t let this happen. The House of Representatives is about to vote on H.R.4239, a bill that would weaken ocean protections and intentionally pave the way […]

A Season of Gratitude: What We’re Thankful For in 2017

Published by Ocean Conservancy It’s the season of gratitude, and all of us at Ocean Conservancy couldn’t be more thankful for the progress we’ve seen in 2017. We’ve been met with some incredible challenges, road bumps and unexpected obstacles, but none of these have stopped us. With a backbone made up of the support of countless […]

Threatened Marine Monument is a Whale and Dolphin ‘Hotspot’

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Looking out from shore amid a rapidly approaching northeastern winter, you would hardly imagine that a hive of activity could be taking place in the distant open ocean. Yet this is what the aerial survey team at the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England […]

This Land is Oil Land, This Land is Gas Land

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The Interior Department is the caretaker of America’s public lands, wildlife and natural resources.  Unfortunately, Interior Secretary Zinke is proving to be a steward for just a few of us – the oil, gas and coal companies who seek to dig and drill our public lands.  The rest […]

Groups Sue Trump Admin Over Elephant & Lion Trophy Imports

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund (C) Elly Pepper NRDC and the Center for Biological Diversity today sued the Trump Administration for allowing elephant and lion trophy imports from Zimbabwe. As I wrote previously, last week the Trump Administration lifted the ban on African elephant trophy imports, which was imposed by the Obama Administration […]

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