The 2018 farm bill in the spotlight: Here’s what you need to know

Published by the Environmental Defense Fund The largest source of conservation dollars for private land owners hangs in the balance after the House failed to pass the bill.       Read the full article at:

The Recon Force of the Ocean

Published by Ocean Conservancy Ocean Conservancy recently embarked on a partnership with Force Blue to support a coral restoration mission in Puerto Rico. Nathan Quinn, a member of Force Blue Team One deployed to Puerto Rico to assist NOAA, Sea Ventures and Puerto Rico’s Department of Natural Resources in October and has been there since. The […]

Catching Some Rays

Published by Ocean Conservancy Let’s face it, manta rays and stingrays look pretty similar and you can only spot the differences if you know what you’re looking for. Both manta rays and stingrays are related to sharks under the cartilaginous fish group chondrichthyes, meaning their structure is built on material similar to that found in our […]

A Tribute to Teachers

Published by Ocean Conservancy In honor of National Teacher Appreciation Day, several team members here at Ocean Conservancy shared their own stories about teachers who helped propel them forward to a career in the field of ocean conservation! “I had an advisor during my undergraduate shark research in the Turks and Caicos Islands, Dr. Aaron Henderson, […]

The High Price of Heavy Fuel Oil Spills

Published by Ocean Conservancy You may recall that back in February, 3,000 gallons of heavy fuel oil (HFO) spilled into the water off Shuyak Island, Alaska. The spill occurred when hurricane force winds destroyed an old fuel dock, releasing this tar-like substance into designated critical habitat for the endangered Northern sea otter and Steller sea lion. Last […]

Something Slithery This Way Comes

Published by Ocean Conservancy When exploring the magnificent open waters of the ocean, there are so many creatures and various species to find, some of which are still undiscovered. But some of those we have discovered include eels and sea snakes, two extremely different animals that are often mistaken for one another. But no need to […]

Rare Dancing Birds to Get Recovery Plan

Published by the Environmental News Service GUNNISON, Colorado, April 30, 2018 (ENS) – Four conservation groups today reached an agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to stay their legal action while the agency prepares a recovery plan for the Gunnison sage grouse. This critically imperiled bird, surviving in Colorado and Utah, is known […]

12 Fin-tastic Children’s Books

Published by Ocean Conservancy Reading helps children develop their comprehension skills and promotes a furthered understanding and perception of the world as a whole. In honor of National Children’s Book Week, we thought it perfectly fitting to acknowledge just how important it is to discuss our ocean, its resident wildlife and the many things we can […]

An Arctic Mystery: What are These Circles in the Arctic Ice?

Published by Ocean Conservancy Recently, when flying over the Beaufort Sea in the Arctic, NASA scientists stumbled on a bit of a mystery: three holes in the sea ice surrounded by irregular circular shapes. As part of its Operation IceBridge mission, NASA has been photographing, mapping and documenting how climate change is affecting both the Arctic […]

Critically Endangered Turtle Rescue on Earth Day

Published by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Sea Shepherd crew saves the life of an adult leatherback turtle entangled in illegal gillnet in the Upper Gulf of California, Mexico – a Federally Protected and UNESCO listed Area. SAN FELIPE, BAJA CALIFORNIA MEXICO – April 22th, 2018 Earth Day – 1:41 pm PST, while patrolling the Vaquita Refuge, Sea […]

Secretary Zinke Announces Grants to Boost to Wetland, Waterfowl Conservation, Access to Public Lands

Published by the Department of the Interior The $24.6 million in grants for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and its partners will conserve or restore more than 176,000 acres of wetland and associated upland habitats for waterfowl, shorebirds and other birds in 18 states throughout the United States.  Read the full article at:

5 Reasons the Farm Bill Matters to Conservation

Published by the World Wildlife Fund Right now, members of Congress are working out the final details of the 2018 Farm Bill, and the stakes for conservation are huge. In addition to ensuring America’s farmers can provide food, fiber and fuel to hundreds of millions of Americans and many others around the world, the Farm Bill […]

Reducing Vessel Pollution

Published by Ocean Conservancy I’m back in Alaska after a journey to London for a meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a specialized agency of the United Nations that regulates shipping. Now that the jetlag has finally worn off, I’m ready to share all that happened—both the newsworthy […]

Uncharted Waters: Experimenting with Red Snapper Management

Published by Ocean Conservancy Last year, we told you about how the rebuilding of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico was being jeopardized by a long recreational fishing season that would lead to overfishing. This year, managers are trying something new—experimental strategies that give states more say in how recreational fishing is managed. This has […]

Irrawaddy dolphin numbers increase for the first time in 20 years

Published by the World Wildlife Fund Following decades of seemingly irreversible decline, the Irrawaddy River dolphin population in the Mekong region is rebounding. According to a recent census released by WWF and the Government of Cambodia, the number of these critically endangered dolphins has risen from 80 to 92 in the past two years—the first increase […]

Want to help the world’s forests? Look for the FSC label when you shop

Published by the World Wildlife Fund It’s one of the easiest things you can do to help save the world’s forests. Look for the label that says FSC when you buy paper towels, tissues, furniture or any other products that come from forests. What does FSC mean? FSC stands for the Forest Stewardship Council, a certification […]

Want to help save the world’s forests? Look for the FSC label when you shop

Published by the World Wildlife Fund It’s one of the easiest things you can do to help save the world’s forests. Look for the label that says FSC® when you buy paper towels, tissues, furniture or any other products that come from forests. What does FSC mean? FSC stands for the Forest Stewardship Council®, a certification […]

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