A Slow-Motion Climate Disaster: The Spread of Barren Land

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment Brazil’s northeast, long a victim of droughts, is now effectively turning into a desert. The cause? Climate change and the landowners who are most affected. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/03/world/americas/brazil-climate-change-barren-land.html

Amazon Deforestation Soars to 15-Year High

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment Brazil committed this month to end illegal deforestation in eight years, but a government report raises questions about its intent and ability to meet that target. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/19/world/americas/brazil-amazon-deforestation.html

How Leather Seats in Luxury SUVs Fuel Amazon Deforestation

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment An examination of Brazil’s immense tannery industry shows how hides from illegally deforested ranches can easily reach the global marketplace. In the United States, much of the demand for Brazilian leather comes from automakers. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/17/climate/leather-seats-cars-rainforest.html

Sea Shepherd Tracks Down and Exposes Notorious Chinese Squid Fishing Fleet off the Galapagos Islands

Published by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society On the 24th of September, The Associated Press and Univision released “Great Wall of Lights”–a landmark investigation into the Chinese squid fleet–after two journalists spent 18 days on board the Sea Shepherd vessel Ocean Warrior observing thirty notorious fishing vessels in the High Seas, an area outside of any national jurisdiction. Sea Shepherd’s shocking findings will be released […]

Searching for Bird Life in a Former ‘Ocean of Forest’

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment A century after museum collectors surveyed Colombia’s avian fauna, a new generation of researchers returns to see what remains, and what has changed. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/31/science/colombia-birds-expedition.html

Your Daily Coffee Habit Is About to Get More Expensive

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment Climate shocks in Brazil and shipping bottlenecks have pushed the price of coffee beans sharply higher. Starbucks says it won’t be affected for more than a year, but small cafes can’t hold off that long. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/12/business/coffee-prices-higher.html

Illegal Fishing Vessels Intercepted as Peruvian Prosecutors Sail on Sea Shepherd Ship

Published by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Federal environmental prosecutors and Peruvian Coast Guard sailors intervene against numerous maritime violations during a successful joint operation with conservationists. LIMA, Peru – July 6, 2021 – During a series of joint operations led by the government of Peru, specialized environmental prosecutors on board the Sea Shepherd ship Ocean Warrior encountered and apprehended […]

Sea Shepherd Embarks on Long-Term Conservation Effort to Protect the Dolphins of the Amazon River

Published by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Conservationists and world-leading scientists initiate a new partnership in defense of the endangered Amazon river dolphins. Manaus, Brazil – June 7, 2021 – Sea Shepherd is launching on a new conservation research campaign in Brazil to protect the dolphins of the Amazon River. The scientific expedition, known as Boto Da Amazônia, was announced by Sea […]

“One Health” and COVID-19, one year later

Published by the World Wildlife Fund More than a year after the emergence of COVID-19, WWF & GlobeScan conducted a survey of over 6,500 respondents to gain a better understanding of consumer understanding of zoonotic spillover risk. Read the full article at: https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/one-health-and-covid-19-one-year-later

Bolsonaro Seeks International Funding for Amazon Protection

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment The Biden era has prompted Brazil to take steps to burnish its record as an environmental scoundrel — for which it’s seeking billions of dollars from the international community. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/21/world/americas/bolsonaro-climate-amazon.html

Biden Wants World Leaders to Make Climate Change Commitments

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment The administration is closing in on deals with some close allies, but agreements with powers like China, Brazil and India are proving difficult. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/13/climate/biden-climate-change-diplomacy.html

Silica-Silver Plastic Film Kills Coronavirus on Contact

Published by the Environmental News Service SAO PAULO, Brazil, February 13, 2021 (ENS) – A plastic film that can deactivate 99.99 percent of the virus that causes COVID-19 in 15 minutes has been released by an international team of companies and universities from Brazil and Spain. The product, AlpFilm Protect PVC, is now on the […]

Dreams During Pandemic Reveal Fear, Mental Suffering

Published by the Environmental News Service SAO PAULO, Brazil, February 10, 2021 (ENS) – Amid the isolation imposed by COVID-19, the brain resorts to dreams in an effort to metabolize the intense emotions experienced during the day and assimilate experiences that favor survival as we strive to adapt to the “new normal.” Suddenly, we have […]

Suriname Could Be Latest Big Oil Find as Industry Cuts Costs

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment The small South American country has become a hot prospect for oil companies looking to produce fossil fuels while spending less. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/20/business/energy-environment/suriname-oil-discovery.html

Leapin’ Lizards: Argentine Tegus Run Wild in Georgia

Published by the Environmental News Service ATLANTA, Georgia, November 24, 2020 (ENS) – Georgia wildlife officials and their partners are scrambling to eradicate a wild population of large invasive black and white Argentine lizards called tegus in two counties in southeast Georgia. Growing from two to four feet long and weighing 10 pounds or more, […]

5 Fabulous Facts About Hogfish

Published by Ocean Conservancy You’ve heard of catfish. You’ve heard of lionfish. And you’ve probably heard of frogfish, too. But have you ever heard of hogfish? I certainly hadn’t, but as someone with the last name Hogge (yes, it’s pronounced like the animal), I knew once I learned about this adorably odd critter that I simply […]

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