Latin America Green News 10/8 – 10/12/2017

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund  THIS WEEK Climate risk in Central America Renewable energy auction in Argentina ​Mexican retirement funds invest in renewables To subscribe to NRDC’s Latin America Green News click here. FEATURE: Climate risk in Central America  At a meeting in Guatemala, the chief of the Agricultural Development Unit and Climate Change Focal […]

Our Ocean 2017: The Buzz on Ocean Planning

Published by Ocean Conservancy The concept of ocean planning has been around for many years, both here at home and internationally. In the U.S., we have started to see theory move into practice over the past decade. At its core, ocean planning is about shared data, local engagement and innovative management principles so that diverse groups […]

Green Banks Sprout Green Shoots at 2017 Green Bank Congress

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund How can limited public funds be used most efficiently to stimulate large amounts of private investment in clean energy and resilient, twenty-first century infrastructure? This was the key question addressed at the Fifth Annual Green Bank Congress in New York City as part Climate Week NYC and alongside […]

WWF welcomes the 2017 class of conservation leaders

Published by the World Wildlife Fund WWF would like to congratulate the recipients of the 2017 Russell E. Train Fellowship. Funded by the Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program (EFN), Train Fellows pursue their graduate degrees in conservation-related fields anywhere in the world and then return to their home countries better equipped to take on […]

Chile Safeguards Ocean at S. America’s Southern Tip

Published by the Environmental News Service SANTIAGO, Chile, September 20, 2017 (ENS) – Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has pledged to create a new marine protected area in Admiralty Sound in Tierra del Fuego at the tip of South America. The designation will safeguard marine wildlife and the area’s cultural heritage, while promoting artisanal fisheries and […]

These Species Have Hung On for Millions of Years. Will the Trump Administration Push Them to Extinction?

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Pronghorn of the American West have been springing across this continent—at up to 60 miles per hour—for approximately 17 million years. Though sometimes called antelopes, these fleet-footed mammals are actually one of the few remaining species of giraffids, which also include Africa’s giraffes and okapis. The distinction led […]

Out of the Darkness and into the Light

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund In vulnerable pockets across the globe, women are benefiting themselves, their children, and their larger communities by learning how to harness renewable energy. The barefoot solar engineers of Tinginaput, India (from left): Talsa Miniaka, Pulka Wadeka, Meenakshi Dewan, Bundei Hidreka ©Abbie Trayler-Smith/Panos Pictures/Department for International Development Proponents of […]

Discover Hispanic heritage at these historic sites

Published by the Department of the Interior Hispanic Heritage Month starts on September 15. Interior and its bureaus preserve and interpret historic sites across the country. For Americans whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America, these places connect them to our nation’s shared history. From early explorers to modern day […]

Latin America Green News: 8/18 – 8/24/2017

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund THIS WEEK: Bolivia’s TIPNIS under renewed threat, financing renewables in Argentina, electromobility in Chile To subscribe to NRDC’s Latin America Green News click here Feature: TIPNIS National Park in Bolivia under threat  The Isiboro Sécure Indigenous Territory and National Park (known by its Spanish acronym TIPNIS) in the […]

Latin America Green News: 8/11 – 8/17/2017

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund THIS WEEK: NAFTA renegotiation begins, Argentina renewables auction, Colombia climate change law To subscribe to NRDC’s Latin America Green News click here. Feature: NAFTA Renegotiation and the Planet The first round of talks for the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) began this week as […]

Missing from U.S. & Mexican NAFTA Plans: People & the Planet

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement—NAFTA—has been an international topic of discussion and conjecture for many months. That conversation will shift from speculation to substance when negotiators from Mexico, Canada and the U.S. sit down for the first round of negotiations on August 16. The […]

When a Rare Jaguar Attack Becomes a Conservation Opportunity

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund A female jaguar near Brazil’s Piquiri River Charlesjsharp via Wikimedia Commons Outside his outpost, a Colombian Navy guardsman wakes from a quick nap to see a jaguar inches from his face. A scrap ensues. The cat bites the guardsman’s thigh, but the man defends himself with the butt […]

Indigenous Groups Against Corporations in Latin America

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Guest blog by Meredith Brown and Carley Reynolds, Latin America Project Interns Protests Photo Credit: Daniel Cima Indigenous peoples across Latin America have demonstrated their determination to protect their communities and their territories over the centuries and, in the process, have proven their role as stewards of the […]

Indigenous Women: Defending the Environment in Latin America

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Guest blog by Meredith Brown and Carley Reynolds, NRDC Latin America Project Interns Indigenous Women at the UN UNDESA-DSPD/Jimmy Kruglinski On this International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, we celebrate the successes of indigenous peoples in Latin America in protecting their lands and communities. In particular, we […]

Week 28: Trump’s Wall Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Break Laws (Environmental or Otherwise)

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Welcome to our weekly Trump v. Earth column, in which onEarth reviews the environment-related shenanigans of President Trump and his allies. iStock Wall of Shame The Department of Homeland Security announced on Tuesday that it would waive environmental safeguards in order to expedite the building of Trump’s enormously controversial wall […]

Other Countries Are Giving Up Gas-Powered Cars—Will the U.S. Ever Hop Aboard?

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Tesla has received around half a million reservations since its Model 3 was unveiled in April. Steve Jurvetson/Flickr Great Britain has become the latest nation to announce plans for phasing out the sale of new diesel- and gasoline-powered cars in the not-too-distant future. Like France, Britain chose 2040 as its […]

Green Investment Banks: One Way Forward in Latin America

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Co-authored by Lori Kerr, Senior Director at Climate Finance Advisors Combating global climate change requires both enormous policy efforts and massive capital investment in mitigation and adaptation. This is not a new assertion. Both the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and of course the Paris Agreement—which was built on the foundation […]

The Border Wall Is Underway . . . Right in the Middle of a Wildlife Refuge

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge is home to a small population of endangered ocelots Tom Smylie, USFWS For the past two years, President Trump’s idea for a wall on the U.S.–Mexico border has existed as little more than a psychosocial blueprint. At his rallies and other public events, […]

The Real Lowdown: The Trump and Congressional Republican Assault on Our Environment, Vol. 21

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The rollback of the Clean Water Rule has officially begun, a wildlife refuge is at risk from Trump’s border wall. iStock Back on June 21 at a political rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, President Trump promised that, under his watch, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency would focus on […]

Venezuelan Bird Feared Extinct for 60 Years Found

Published by the Environmental News Service WASHINGTON, DC, July 26, 2017 (ENS) – One of South America’s great bird mysteries has been solved by an international team of researchers working in the forested mountains of western Venezuela. Read the full article at:

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