Sea Shepherd Files Lawsuit Against U.S. Agencies to Save New Zealand’s Māui Dolphin from Extinction

Published by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Sea Shepherd Legal and its co-counsel, Earthrise Law Center, filed a lawsuit today on behalf of Sea Shepherd New Zealand and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society against the U.S. Department of Commerce, Department of Homeland Security, NOAA Fisheries, and the Treasury Department. These agencies have failed to take legally mandated action […]

4 Ocean Animal Superpowers

Published by Ocean Conservancy It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s … special adaptations to help animals thrive in the ocean! Marine critters have evolved some pretty unique techniques to survive and thrive in our oceans. Read on to learn about some special ocean superpowers. Camouflage with chromatophores © Jon Churchill Ever wonder how octopuses can change […]

11 Facts About Horseshoe Crabs That Will Blow Your Mind

Published by Ocean Conservancy If you’ve never encountered or learned about horseshoe crabs before, I have a treat for you. One of my absolute favorite marine species, these oddly charming marine arthropods get their name from their horseshoe-shaped exoskeleton, called a carapace. I’ve always thought that the exterior appearance of these animals was one of their […]

Americans See Climate as a Concern, Even Amid Coronavirus Crisis

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment Researchers thought Covid-19 might displace climate change as a threat in the American mind. It hasn’t, according to a new survey. Read the full article at:

New Video: Energy & American Chemistry

Start your car or flip on a light switch, and everyone thinks “energy.” It’s equally important to U.S. chemical manufacturing. From the industry’s earliest days, chemistry companies have used energy for heat and power and – unique among manufacturers – as a raw material. Hence the name “petrochemicals.” This week, the American Chemistry Council released […]

Integrated Ocean Management in the United States

Published by Ocean Conservancy This week, I am excited to be a part of the official launch of Blue Paper 14: Integrated Ocean Management by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy. The report outlines six opportunities to improve ocean governance around the world, including the importance of local context in decision making, the value […]

Industry Leaders Call on Congress to Save Chemical Security Program

Policymakers are struggling to find solutions to address one of the biggest threats that our country has ever faced – the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is another threat to America’s safety and security that Washington must address too. Thankfully, the solution for addressing this crisis is readily available. It simply requires Congress to pass legislation […]

Iconic Species That Call the Everglades Home

Published by Ocean Conservancy While the natural beauty of Florida leaves me in awe in countless ways, one aspect of its natural glory tends to leave me speechless: the Everglades. From the graceful herons, cranes and egrets gliding through the slightly salty air to the calming vision of manatees making their way along coastal mangroves, there’s […]

EPA Proposes Relief for Small Businesses by Restoring Wood Heater Sales Opportunities Lost to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON (May 15, 2020) — Due to the nation-wide spread of the COVID-19 virus, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to allow more time for retailers to sell Step 1-certified residential wood heating devices. This proposed action Read the full article at:

Experience America’s Wetlands from Home

Published by Ocean Conservancy Every time American Wetlands Month rolls around, my head swims with images of mangroves silhouetted against the fading light as Spanish moss swings softly to the warm spring breeze. I’m reminded of Cajun music and crawfish boils—driving out to the seafood market with my dad as he determined which catch would make […]

CBC Issues Warning to Emphasize the Proper Handling and Use of Disinfectants

This is a time of unprecedented anxiety and uncertainty, with far more questions about the Coronavirus than there are answers. One point of certainty, however, is the ability of antimicrobial disinfectants to help kill and stop the spread of viruses like COVID-19. In fact, there are more than a thousand products that people can use […]

Fighting for Healthy Fisheries in a Time of Economic Crisis

Published by Ocean Conservancy Last week, the President signed an Executive Order (EO) intended to promote the competitiveness and growth of the American seafood industry. Unfortunately, this EO falls short of this important goal. Instead, the EO is a distraction from the needs of our nation’s fishermen, who are currently experiencing unprecedented losses of revenue due […]

Greener Process Grows U.S. Supply of Rare Earth Metals

Published by the Environmental News Service WEST LAFAYETTE, Indiana, May 11, 2020 (ENS) – Mining for rare earth metals is about to become more environmentally and economically feasible though a process newly developed and patented at Purdue University. These new environmentally-friendly technologies promise to be game-changers in this field and could enable the United States […]

EPA Stresses the Importance of Recycling and Proper Disposal of Personal Protective Equipment

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON (May 12, 2020) — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is encouraging all Americans to recycle materials from their households and properly dispose of personal protective equipment (PPE), especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the full article at:

Combating COVID-19 the Best Way We Can –Through Chemistry

With COVID-19 continuing to spread throughout the country, ACC is helping combat the disease by leaning into our wheelhouse – chemistry. Illinois State Senator Mattie Hunter filled up her trunk with bleach to distribute throughout her district. Early on in the pandemic, grocery store shelves where disinfectants were located became empty as shoppers quickly snapped […]

What is a Wetland?

Published by Ocean Conservancy Whether you live on the coast or in a land-locked state, odds are you’ve heard about wetlands. But how much do you know about wetlands really? In honor of American Wetlands Month, which occurs each May, we’re celebrating these vital ecosystems—starting with a crash course in Wetlands 101! What are wetlands? Fortunately, […]

Natural Gas Exports Slow as Pandemic Reduces Global Demand

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment Businesses in the United States, Israel and other countries were planning to invest billions in export terminals. Now, those projects are being canceled or delayed. Read the full article at:

Heat-Resistant Corals Could Help Save Reefs into the Future

Published by Ocean Conservancy Lately, a lot of ocean and climate change news talks about how our coral reefs are in trouble. Scientists estimate that almost all coral reefs will die off by the end of this century if we don’t take action to slow climate change and rising ocean temperatures. But just the other week, […]

These Ocean Animals are Pros at Sheltering in Place

Published by Ocean Conservancy We’re in the midst of our “new normal” with COVID-19, and, for many of us, that means mandatory shelter-in-place orders from our cities or states. Even if it’s not required, hopefully, those who can stay at home are doing so, to help flatten the curve and to alleviate the pressure on our […]

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