Diisocyanates: A Family of Versatile Building Blocks Important to Our Everyday Lives

What do skis, refrigerators, and bedding have in common? You’re probably wondering how three completely different products can have any similarities, but all three are made possible through chemical building blocks known as diisocyanates. Diisocyanates are used in a wide range of polyurethane products that help enhance our everyday lives. They form tight seals, strong […]

Nearing Full Implementation, EPA’s Lean Management System Helps the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention Deliver Results

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON (November 12, 2020) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced this week that it has implemented the EPA Lean Management System (ELMS) to 83% of the agency across the United States. Read the full article at: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/nearing-full-implementation-epas-lean-management-system-helps-office-chemical-safety

EPA Announces $20 Million to Improve Access to Drinking Water in Tribal Communities

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON (November 12, 2020) — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency (EPA) announced that it will dedicate more than $20 million in infrastructure funding to projects that will improve access to safe drinking water for American Indian and Alaska Native populations. Read the full article at: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-announces-20-million-improve-access-drinking-water-tribal-communities

Welcoming the newest YSE admissions ambassador, Liz Plascencia!

Published by the Yale School of Forestry Hola! My name is Liz Plascencia (she/her/hers) and I am a first-year Master of Environmental Management (MEM) from Los Angeles, California. As a Queer, Latinx, First-Generation Mexican American – I am extremely interested in the intersectionality of environmental issues while… Read the full article at: https://environment.yale.edu/blog/2020/11/welcoming-the-newest-yse-admissions-ambassador-liz-plascencia/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=welcoming-the-newest-yse-admissions-ambassador-liz-plascencia

Pandemic Forces Enviro Film Fest in D.C. to Go Virtual

Published by the Environmental News Service WASHINGTON, DC, November 10, 2020 (ENS) – The largest green film festival in the world and the longest-running film fest in the United States, the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital, DCEFF, has announced its virtual fall showcase starting November 12 and running until November 18. Read the […]

5 Sensational Sea Snail Species

Published by Ocean Conservancy Move out of the way, sea slugs, there’s a new charismatic critter on the block: the sea snail! Sea snails are an extremely diverse group of marine gastropods that are found around the world. They can spend time on land, in saltwater or freshwater, be carnivores, herbivores or omnivores and vary in […]

President-elect Biden to Restore U.S. Climate Leadership

Published by the Environmental News Service WASHINGTON, DC, November 8, 2020 (ENS) – Joseph R. Biden Jr. was declared President-elect of the United States on Saturday after slow, meticulous vote-counting that kept the nation on edge for four days. Biden, a Democrat, campaigned on a strong climate restoration platform, starting with bringing the United States […]

A New Era in Ocean Conservation

Published by Ocean Conservancy The right to vote for our President is a fundamental tenet of the Constitution. Americans have chosen Joe Biden to be the next President of the United States. Today marks a new day in our fight for a healthy ocean. After four years of egregious anti-ocean and anti-planet policies that have disproportionately […]

Trump Pushes Gray Wolf off Endangered Species List

Published by the Environmental News Service WASHINGTON, DC, November 7, 2020 (ENS) – To the dismay of conservationists, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has opened hunting season on gray wolves across the United States by removing them from the national Endangered Species List. Farmers, cattlemen and ranchers applauded the delisting, but conservationists issued dire […]

Sand Dollars are Truly Priceless

Published by Ocean Conservancy If you’ve ever been to a beach in places like the United States, chances are that you’ve probably come across a sand dollar at some point. These iconic emblems of our nation’s beaches often serve as a stunning representation of vacation memories for so many Americans … but how much do you […]

The U.S. Left the Paris Climate Agreement. Others Are Pressing Ahead.

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment The American exit officially took effect Wednesday. If Joseph R. Biden Jr. wins the election and rejoins the pact, the United States will have a lot of catching up to do. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/04/climate/paris-agreement-us-election.html

We All Have a Role to Play in What Our Future Looks Like – And So Does the Business of Chemistry

To everyone feeling a little fatigue, a little bleary-eyed this morning, you are watching democracy in action. You may wish there had been a different or more decisive result one way or the other, but the peaceful, orderly way this is playing out shows that our system does work. Yes. It was a bitterly fought […]

Ghost Net Retrieval Operations Successfully Conclude in Vaquita Refuge

Published by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Sea Shepherd partners with local fishers to remove the marine debris threatening the survival of the world’s most endangered marine mammal. San Felipe, BCN, Mexico – Nov. 3, 2020 – This week marks the completion of a collaborative effort aimed at removing abandoned fishing gear from the habitat of the critically […]

Stopping Ocean Plastic Pollution Starts with Us

Published by Ocean Conservancy Today, along with our colleagues at Sea Education Association, DSM Environmental Services and the University of Georgia, Ocean Conservancy published a study (Law et al., 2020) in the journal Science Advances that should change the way the world thinks about the United States’ role in tackling global plastic pollution. Our new study […]

‘Zombie’ Oil Wells in Canada Are a Climate Threat

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment Canada’s oil patch has nearly 100,000 suspended wells, neither active nor capped, and they’re a worrying source of planet-warming methane. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/30/climate/oil-wells-leak-canada.html

Trump Opens Alaska’s Tongass National Forest to Logging

Published by the Environmental News Service WASHINGTON, DC, October 28, 2020 (ENS) – President Donald Trump’s administration has finalized plans to reverse roadless protections for the Tongass National Forest in southeast Alaska that have been in place for nearly 20 years. On Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture released its final rule exempting the Tongass National […]

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