Week 33: The EPA Has No Time for Texas

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Welcome to our weekly Trump v. Earth column, in which onEarth reviews the environment-related shenanigans of President Trump and his allies. Pruitt image courtesy Gage Skidmore The Dog Ate My Pollution Remediation Plan Lawyers for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency told a federal judge late last week that they needed […]

How Do Oil Spills Affect Polar Bears?

Published by Ocean Conservancy This summer, Ocean Conservancy was fortunate to partner with Paul Suprenand, Ph.D., on a project that used ecosystem models to evaluate the impacts of different types of oil spills in the Arctic Ocean. Dr. Suprenand worked as Mote Marine Laboratory Postdoctoral Research Fellow, where he developed a complex model of the Beaufort […]

A Win for Free Speech: Court Rules Wyoming’s Ag-Gag Law Unconstitutional

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund NRDC and a coalition of nonprofits challenged a state law criminalizing the collection of data on public land regarding environmental conditions or agricultural practices. Yellowstone’s Norris Geyser Basin, Wyoming Shutterstock Wyoming’s data trespass law violates First Amendment rights, a federal appeals court ruled today. The so-called ag-gag law, […]

Secretary Zinke Announces Boost to Wetland, Waterfowl Conservation, Access to Public Lands Through Conservation Grants, Federal Duck Stamp Funds

Published by the Department of the Interior The grants, made through the North American Wetlands Conservation Act, will be matched by more than $45 million in partner funds. NAWCA grants ensure waterfowl and other birds are protected throughout their lifecycles. Read the full article at: https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/secretary-zinke-announces-boost-wetland-waterfowl-conservation-access-public-lands-0

U.S. and Chemical industry prepare for another major hurricane

As the second major storm of this year’s hurricane season makes its way toward the U.S. coast, ACC member companies with operations in Florida, as well as other southeastern states are taking Hurricane Irma extremely seriously and have begun preparations for its landfall. In preparation for Irma, ACC has initiated contact with member companies in […]

Ocean Conservancy Turns 45!

Published by Ocean Conservancy Today, Ocean Conservancy’s embarks on our 45th year in service to our ocean mission. It’s my honor and privilege to mark this milestone with a talented, committed team that works together towards lasting results. Birthdays are the best kind of milestones. It’s a good time to reflect and see just how far […]

Toxic Chemical Industry and House Rs Attack on Science

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The Republican-led House Science Committee—which routinely serves as a platform for the chemical manufacturers—hosted an Oversight Hearing this week as part of its larger plan to slash the budget for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program that conducts rigorous hazardous assessments of  industrial chemicals. You can imagine […]

We Cannot “Streamline” Our Way Out of Lack of Funding

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Rather than address the need for dollars to build our water, transportation and other failing infrastructure, Congress blames the requirement to evaluate the environmental and community impact of a project, as the major reason for project delays. Study after study has proven that is not the case and […]

Secretary Zinke Supports President Trump’s Vision for Tax Reform

Published by the Department of the Interior Secretary Zinke said, “Tax reform will restore our competitive edge so we can create more jobs and higher wages for American energy workers on federal lands and waters, and it will help put us on track toward American Energy Dominance.” Read the full article at: https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/secretary-zinke-supports-president-trumps-vision-tax-reform

Harvey Exposed Oil Issues We Must Address

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The catastrophe of Hurricane Harvey is now shedding light on how climate change – manifesting in the form of stronger and more intense weather events – can bring enormous destruction to communities. Because the region hit by Harvey also serves as a home base to much of the […]

We CAN Solve America’s Traffic Nightmare

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund As L.A. residents lose an average of 104 hours to traffic every year, the city is hoping to become the first U.S. region to adopt a supply-and-demand payment system for using congested roads. Beatrix Boros/Stocksy It’s simple economics. If you’ve stood in an endlessly long line for a […]

Watt’s It to You? Perks of Michigan Energy Planning

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Michigan wisely passed clean energy legislation back in December, but starting today that legislation is giving you a voice. The legislation kicked off an energy planning process where you can tell your Commissioners in person or in written comments what your vision of a better today and tomorrow […]

Why the U.S. Should Not Reverse Course on Coal and the MDBs

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The Trump Administration recently weakened the Guidance for how the U.S. representative at the multilateral development banks will vote on future projects being financed. The new guidance calls for increased fossil fuel projects to be financed by the multilateral development banks, in direct contrast to what MDBs have […]

Hurricane Harvey Hampers Mental Health Care

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund More than half of the 40 million American adults with a mental health condition don’t have access to care at the best of times. When you add the challenges of a disaster like Hurricane Harvey—flooded roads, closed hospitals, and unexpected water rescues—it’s likely some people will go weeks […]

Wake-Up Call for Climate Action from Houston to Mumbai

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Co-Authored by Henry Ruehl, NRDC Energy Fellow Cities across the globe from Houston to Mumbai have been ravaged by catastrophic floods. In the United States and South Asia, this summer has combined record-breaking temperatures and heatwaves with unprecedented rainfall levels, and the human and economic toll has been […]

Secretary Zinke Appoints Members to the Royalty Policy Committee, Announces First Meeting

Published by the Department of the Interior Interior’s Royalty Policy Committee will serve a critical role in advising the Secretary on policy and strategies to improve management of the multi-billion dollar, federal and American Indian mineral revenue program. Read the full article at: https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/secretary-zinke-appoints-members-royalty-policy-committee-announces-first-meeting

Did Climate Change “Cause” Harvey?

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Floodwaters from Tropical Storm Harvey surround homes in Port Arthur, Texas, Thursday, Aug. 31, 2017 Gerald Herbert/AP Harvey is now, officially, the heaviest and most destructive rainstorm in our nation’s history. Nearly 25 trillion gallons of water pummeled southeast Texas and Louisiana over the course of a week, […]

A Critical Clean Energy Decision for California and the West

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund How often does a legislature get to take action that will reduce voters’ utility bills and improve their air quality with no upfront costs? California lawmakers have an opportunity to do just that by acting now to enhance and integrate the fragmented western grid crisscrossing 14 states, which […]

Trump Killed Flood Safety Standards – Hampering Recovery

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Texas National Guardsmen rescue a resident by boat during flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey in Houston. Photo Credit: Texas National Guard Hurricane Harvey will be one of the nation’s largest flood disasters and the storm is not over yet. An uncounted number of homes are heavily damaged. Hospitals, […]

Trading Coal Plants for Solar Farms in India

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Indian workers install solar panels at the Gujarat Solar Park. Ajit Solanki/AP When President Trump announced his intention to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement, he singled India out, claiming (falsely) that, under the accord, the country of 1.3 billion could “double its coal production […]

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