The Dangers Our Big Storms Dredge Up

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Tropical Storm Harvey in the Gulf of Mexico on August 24 NOAA/NASA GOES Project Once its deadly winds have calmed, a hurricane’s wrath isn’t over. The disaster simply morphs into a different type of catastrophe. As we’re currently seeing in post-Maria Puerto Rico, the systems on which society […]

Transforming the Grid Is Essential for a Safe Climate Future

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund This is part of a series of blogs on NRDC’s new report, “America’s Clean Energy Frontier: The Pathway to a Safer Climate Future,” A safer climate future will require that the United States cut climate pollution by at least 80 percent by 2050. Doing so will require a […]

Federal Threats Out of Touch with MI Energy & Climate Goals

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Sunset2 by Barbara Eckstein via Creative Commons As Michigan moves forward on clean energy and climate action, President Trump counters with attempts to undo the Clean Power Plan and prop up coal and nuclear plants. At a time when the administration should be supporting the progress made in […]

Get hooked on fishing on public lands and waters

Published by the Department of the Interior Fishing is a favorite outdoor pastime for many people. Alone or with friends and family, fishing can be a fun and relaxing opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. From the calm of fly fishing in a Montana stream to the thrill of sportfishing in the Gulf of Mexico, fishing is a […]

Stepping up to Address Wind-Wildlife Impacts

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund This is part three of a series of blogs highlighting recent progress in onshore and offshore wind energy, as well as discussing some of the continued opportunities, challenges and threats the industry faces in the near term. This blog focuses on research and collaboration surrounding wind project siting […]

Trump EPA’s Scientific Fraud on Deadly Air Pollution

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The Trump Environmental Protection Agency has announced plans to try to repeal the Clean Power Plan, and deny Americans annual health benefits that include avoiding 3,600 premature deaths; 90,000 asthma attacks in children; 1,700 hospital admissions; and 300,000 missed days of school and work. The EPA’s Clean Power […]

Indigenous Communities Lead Way to Boreal Forest Protection

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund This post was written by Jennifer Skene Yesterday was Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a celebration of the Indigenous communities living in North America since long before the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria set sail from Spain. States, cities, and universities across the U.S. are embracing Indigenous Peoples’ […]

Resolute’s Suit to Stifle Public Discourse Goes to Court

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund A district court in northern California is hearing a motion to dismiss for a lawsuit with far-reaching implications for the freedom to speak out against harmful corporate practices. In 2016, Resolute Forest Products (Resolute), a logging company known for trying to stifle criticism through litigation, sued Greenpeace and […]

Pruitt Cooks the Books to Hide Clean Power Plan Benefits

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund In our last post, we covered how EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt fiddled with the accounts to inflate the costs of the Clean Power Plan, when in reality the rule is achievable at even lower cost than the EPA originally projected. In this post, we’ll focus on how Pruitt […]

Pruitt Cooks the Books to Inflate Clean Power Plan’s Cost

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Today, the Trump Administration is releasing its proposal to repeal the Clean Power Plan, which set the first-ever limits on carbon pollution from power plants – one of our country’s largest sources of the pollution driving climate change. Scott Pruitt’s political team at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) […]

Scientists Urge Completion of International Fisheries Accord in Central Arctic Ocean

Published by Ocean Conservancy A group of international Arctic scientists telling us we need to slow down, do more research, and put in place some precautionary rules should get our attention. More than 2,000 scientists, mostly from Arctic countries, did this five years ago in an open letter to Arctic nations. They pointed out that it […]

European Parliament Takes Aim at Monsanto and Glyphosate

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Without much fanfare on this side of the Atlantic, the European Union is actively and effectively pushing back on one of the biggest bullies in the corporate sandbox, Monsanto. This week in Brussels the European Parliament’s Environment and Agriculture committees will hold a public hearing on The Monsanto […]

Trump’s EPA is making a reckless and damaging decision. Here’s what you need to know.

Published by the Environmental Defense Fund Pruitt is ignoring a groundswell of support for pollution limits that would protect our climate and save thousands of American lives.       Read the full article at:

Trump’s Dirty Power Plan: Another Repeal & Replace Scam

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Speaking on FOX News from Hazard, Kentucky, as the season’s fourth hurricane still pummels the southeast, EPA chief Scott Pruitt said that tomorrow he will propose to repeal the Clean Power Plan, the landmark Obama-era regulation to cut the power plant pollution that’s driving dangerous climate change and […]

National Nanotechnology Day: Celebrating the possibilities of the small

It’s National Nanotechnology Day! A day for raising awareness of nanotechnology and celebrating the science of the small. What is nanotechnology and how small is it? Nanotechnology involves the use of incredibly small pieces of matter. How small? “Nano” means a billionth of a meter. To put that in perspective, an average human hair is […]

2 Days, 35 countries, and 2 BIG Announcements to Share…

Published by Ocean Conservancy The Ocean Conservancy team couldn’t be more excited about all of the great announcements coming out of the Our Ocean Conference here in Malta, and I wanted to share the great news with you right away. Thanks to your support, we’re leaving the conference today with not one, but two HUGE announcements! […]

Department of Commerce to Congress: We’ll Break It So You Can “Fix” It

Published by Ocean Conservancy Documents, available below, show they’re risking fishermen’s livelihoods 17_ShowCause_ExhibitA 60 17_ShowCause_ExhibitA 61-62 17_ShowCause_ExhibitA 63-64 Back in June, political appointees in the Department of Commerce issued a short-sighted decision to let private recreational fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico overfish red snapper, breaking the law that keeps fishermen from catching so many fish […]

Week 37: Rick Perry Wants to Drag Dirty, Old Power Plants Out of Retirement

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Welcome to our weekly Trump v. Earth column, in which onEarth reviews the environment-related shenanigans of President Trump and his allies. Rick’s Picks: Coal and Nuclear U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry is trying to stave off the planned retirement of dozens of out-of-date coal-fired and nuclear power plants. […]

The Real Lowdown: The Trump and Congressional Republican Assault on Our Environment, Vol. 27

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Scott Pruitt is ignoring the law on air quality, NRDC sues on behalf of endangered species, and the Clean Power Plan is in jeopardy. Bill Dickinson/Flickr Actions speak louder than words, Mr. Administrator. From his first days in office, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt vowed that the […]

Some Hard Truths About Infrastructure

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund When our country was first being built, our vision of infrastructure was one of potentially unlimited expansion and opportunity. Communities and citizens would be linked and supported in ways that fostered growth and prosperity for generations to come. We continue to think of infrastructure projects in this way, […]

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