Toxic Blooms in the Sunshine State

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Florida’s algae problem is the latest reminder that we must act urgently to protect our waters and combat climate change. Thick algae covers the water at Stuart’s Central Marine boat docks in Stuart, Florida, June 30, 2016 AP Photo/Terry Spencer It’s as thick as guacamole, but you don’t […]

Mike Galesi and the Big G Charitable Foundation Issues Matching Gift Challenge to Sea Shepherd Supporters!

Published by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Mike Galesi and the Big G Charitable Foundation Issues Matching Gift Challenge to Sea Shepherd Supporters! To honor Sea Shepherd’s brave volunteers and campaigns, Mike Galesi and the Big G Charitable Foundation is issuing a challenge grant to Sea Shepherd supporters. The foundation will match donations to Sea Shepherd Conservation […]

Hollywood Stars Demand Costco Stop Its Purchase and Sale of Faroe Islands’ Salmon

Published by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Hollywood Stars Demand Costco Stop Its Purchase and Sale of Faroe Islands’ Salmon in Response to Horrific Slaughter of Pilot Whales Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is asking big-box retailer Costco to stop its purchase and sale of salmon exported from the Faroe Islands until the Faroes bring the brutal and […]

Latin America Green News This Week: 6/30 – 7/6/2016

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Chile’s cities plagued by pollution, region establishes climate bonds market, Dominican Republic training educators on climate change To get the weekly Latin America Green News blog delivered directly to your email, subscribe here. June 30th – July 6th, 2016 Climate Change As if dealing with the impacts of climate […]

Mid-Atlantic Releases Nation’s Second Regional Ocean Plan; Aims to Improve Health and Sustainability of the Ocean from Virginia to New York

Published by Ocean Conservancy On July 5th, the Mid-Atlantic States become the second region in the nation to release an ocean action plan for their shared federal waters, an historic move that follows a similar release by the New England states in May. Over the past 3 years, the Mid-Atlantic has been at the forefront of […]

Natural Gas Isn’t Needed To Replace Diablo Canyon

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The historic Joint Proposal to retire and replace Diablo Canyon has led some to contend that California’s use of polluting natural gas will inevitably surge as a result. They just won’t believe that clean energy technologies can fill the gap – even though that is precisely the commitment […]

Blood Spills on to the Shores of the Danish Faroe Islands in the First Pilot Whale Slaughter of the Year

Published by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Blood Spills on to the Shores of the Danish Faroe Islands in the First Pilot Whale Slaughter of the Year A Faroese local grins while covered in the blood of the slaughtered pilot whales. Image via nordlysid.foToday, at approximately 1200 local time, a pod of 30-50 pilot whales was slaughtered […]

Tackling Ocean Acidification in Florida

Published by Ocean Conservancy As the state representative for the Florida Keys and South Miami-Dade County, there are few things more important to our well-being than the health of our unique marine environment. We are home to the Everglades, the 3rd largest barrier reef in the world and the only living barrier reef in the continental […]

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Environmental Protection Agency Urge Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to Consider Aerial Spraying as Part of Integrated Mosquito Control to Reduce Zika-Associated Birth Defects

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Acting on data from multiple scientific studies in Puerto Rico that show that Zika is spreading rapidly and is a major risk to pregnant women and their fetuses, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommend the people and the […]

Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act: Protecting Americans’ health and the environment in the 21st century

A little over a week ago, consumers across the country were given something they rightfully have demanded for years: more confidence in the safety of the chemicals used to make the products they purchase for themselves and their families. But consumers didn’t just ask for the greater sense of safety that was given to them […]

India Green News: Climate Change, Energy, Health

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund India Green News is a selection of news highlights about environment and energy issues in India June 21, 2016 – June 28, 2016Compiled by Jessica Korsh Climate Change The Social Consequences of India’s Heat Waves Spell Doom for the Working Poor Deaths due to heat waves in India […]

Flame Retardants Top List of Chemicals Stealing Kid’s Smarts

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Learning disabilities, developmental delay, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder—these are all problems that kids suffer from today at higher rates than in the past. These diseases and their causes are complicated; like so many health issues, genetics and the environment both play roles, making […]

Latin America Green News This Week: 6/23 – 6/29/2016

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Latin America Green News is a selection of weekly news highlights about environmental and energy issues in Latin America. To get the weekly Latin America Green News blog delivered directly to your email, subscribe here. June 23rd – 29th, 2016 Presidency of the Republic of Mexico Energy The leaders […]

Poles Apart: The Differences between Antarctica and the Arctic

Published by Ocean Conservancy This blog was written by Roger Di Silvestro, a field correspondent for Ocean Conservancy. Have you ever seen a cartoon or advertisement that showed penguins and polar bears cavorting together in the snow? On the flip side, have you ever seen a documentary film that showed penguins and polar bears together in the […]

Obama, Justin Trudeau and Enrique Peña Nieto Focus on Climate, Both Political and Global

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment The three North American leaders met in Ottawa, focusing on climate change and the ripples from Britain’s vote, and disavowed nativist political currents. Read the full article at:

KFC: Prevent Antibiotic Abuse on National Fried Chicken Day

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund July 6 is National Fried Chicken Day. Along with gems like National Sunglasses Day, Toasted Marshmallow Day, and Fruitcake Toss Day, you could say this falls into the same category as other silly, made-up holidays. But this year, instead of using this moment as a marketing gimmick, KFC—the […]

Operation Driftnet a Resounding Success; Sea Shepherd Shuts Down Entire Illegal Driftnet Fleet

Published by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Sea Shepherd Shuts Down Entire Illegal Driftnet Fleet File – The Fu Yuan Yu 076. Photo: Tim WattersLos Angeles, CA. -June 29, 2016, Operation Driftnet ­a campaign launched by Sea Shepherd Global to expose, confront and shut down illegal fishing operations on the world’s oceans – has successfully ended the […]

Diablo Canyon Joint Proposal Moves Forward

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Used with permission of Pacific Gas and Electric The California State Lands Commission took a vote today that will help clear the path for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant to be closed within nine years and its electricity generation replaced with all non-polluting resources – the world’s first […]

This is How the Government is Preparing for Climate Change

Published by Ocean Conservancy The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) just took a huge step in preparing our ocean, fisheries and coastal communities for climate change. This type of foresight and required coordination is difficult, and hasn’t happened as often as it should in the past. The Western Regional Action Plan (WRAP) lays out why and […]

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