EPA Finds Kansas and Missouri Home Renovators in Default for Alleged Lead-Based Paint Violations

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) LENEXA, KAN. (JAN. 10, 2023) – An official for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ruled that two home renovation companies must pay civil penalties to resolve violations of the federal Toxic Substances Control Act. According to EPA, Superior Restoration and Construction LLC of Overland Park, Kansas, […]

拜登-哈里斯政府宣布通过《降低通货膨胀法案》提供 1 亿美元的环境正义拨款

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 华盛顿 – 今天,EPA(美国国家环境保护局)宣布,将提供约 1 亿美元的拨款,用于在全美服务欠佳并且负担过重的社区推动环境正义项目。通过拜登总统的《降低通货膨胀法案》实现的这笔资金将成为 EPA 有史以来提供的金额最大的环境正义拨款。EPA 已通过环境正义协作问题解决 (EJCPS) 合作协议计划以及环境正义政府间 (EJG2G) 计划发布了两项此类资金的申请要求。   EPA 局长 Michael S. Regan说:“上任伊始,拜登总统就承诺将优先考虑所有人的环境正义和公平,而 EPA 是履行这一使命的核心。去年,我们宣布成立了 EPA 有史以来第一个致力于推进环境正义的国家项目办公室,以彰显我们对这一重要工作的承诺。在此,我非常自豪地宣布,得益于拜登总统的《降低通货膨胀法案》,这一前所未有的资助将用于为服务欠佳和负担过重的社区提供基于社区的解决方案。这是非常关键的一步,它将有助于全美各地社区建立牢固的合作伙伴关系,并助力我们进一步实现让所有人获得更公正和公平未来的理想。” 这些拨款推进了拜登总统 Justice40 计划和行政令的目标,即应对国内外气候危机,并将某些联邦投资总收益的 40% 引向负担过重,且不良健康或环境影响占比过高的社区。 环境正义协作问题解决 (EJCPS) 合作协议计划  EJCPS 计划将直接向社区型非盈利组织(以及这些组织的合作伙伴)提供约 3000 万美元的资金,其中的 500 万美元预留给全职员工不超过 5 人的小型社区非营利组织。EPA 预计总共将资助大约 50 个 50 万美元的奖项和 30 个 15 万美元的奖项。  EPA […]

拜登-哈里斯政府宣布透過《降低通膨法案》提供 1 億美元作為環境正義補助金

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 華盛頓 – EPA(美國國家環境保護局)今日宣布將提撥約 1 億美元的預算,旨在為國內服務不足及負擔過重的社區推動環境正義之專案提供協助。這項透過《降低通膨法案》提供的補助款係由拜登總統決議通過,是 EPA 史上金額最高的環境正義補助資金。EPA 日前也公佈透過環境正義合作問題解決 (EJCPS) 合作協議計畫,以及環境正義政府對政府 (EJG2G) 計畫申請此補助款的兩項資格要求。   「上任第一天起,拜登總統便承諾優先為全民提供環境正義和環境平等,而 EPA 正是實踐這項使命的核心角色。」EPA 政務官 Michael S. Regan 表示。「去年,我們宣布成立 EPA 史上第一個專為推動環境正義的國家計畫辦事處,由此展現我們逐步實現這項重責大任的決心。如今,多虧拜登總統的《降低通膨法案》,我得以在此宣布社區解決方案由此獲得了史無前例的龐大補助款,以支援服務不足及負擔過重的社區。對此,我感到與有榮焉。這關鍵的一步將有助為國內社區建立穩固的合作關係,讓我們朝更正義且平等的未來邁進。」 這些補助款計畫將進一步實現拜登總統「應對國內外氣候危機」正義 40 措施與行政命令的目標;該命令明定將特定聯邦投資整體收益的百分之 40,提撥予面臨極高與有害健康及環境影響且負擔過重的社區。 環境正義合作問題解決計畫 (EJCPS) 合作協議計畫  EJCPS 計畫預計將直接為社區非營利組織(以及這些組織的合作對象)提供約 3 千萬美元的補助款,其中 5 百萬美元特別提供給全職員工五人以下的小型社區非營利組織。整體而言,EPA 預計將針對 500,000 美元的補助款提供 50 個名額,150,000 美元的補助款則有 30 個名額。  EPA 的 EJCPS 合作協議計畫將為執行中或預計執行專案的合格組織提供財務援助,以解決其社區的當地環境及/或公共衛生問題。該計畫將協助受補助人與其他利益相關者建立合作夥伴關係(例如當地企業和產業、當地政府、醫療服務供應商、學術機構等),制定能有效解決當地環境及/或公共衛生問題的解決方案。  […]

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $100 Million through Inflation Reduction Act for Environmental Justice Grants

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of approximately $100 million for projects that advance environmental justice in underserved and overburdened communities across the country. This funding, made possible through President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, marks the largest amount of environmental justice grant […]

바이든-해리스 정부에서 환경정의 보조금에 대한 인플레이션 감소법을 통해 1억 달러 지원 발표

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 워싱턴 – 오늘 미국 환경보호국(EPA)에서는 국가 전반에 걸쳐 지원이 부족하고 부담이 가중된 지역사회에서 환경정의를 발전시키는 프로젝트에 약 1억 달러를 지원하겠다고 발표했습니다. 바이든 대통령의 인플레이션 감소법을 통해 가능하게 된 이 자금 지원은 환경보호국에서 제공하는 최대 환경정의 보조금 지원으로 기록되었습니다. EPA에서는 환경정의 협력적 문제해결(EJCPS) 협력 협정 프로그램 및 환경정의 정부 […]

Global Warming May Make You Miss These Parasites When They’re Gone

Published by The New York Times Science & Environment Warming temperatures in one part of the world seem to have driven down the parasite population, suggesting another unexpected way that climate change harms ecosystems. Read the full article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/09/science/parasites-global-warming.html

EPA provides research funds to Colorado Small Businesses to develop technologies for wastewater reuse and microplastic identification

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) DENVER (January 6, 2023) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is awarding two Colorado small businesses, Lafayette-based, Sporian Microsystems Inc., and Lakewood-based, J-Tech LLC, $100,000 each to develop promising environmental technologies related to microplastics identification and wastewater reuse. The Colorado businesses are among $2,497,134 EPA is […]

EPA Requires Reporting on Releases and Other Waste Management for Nine Additional PFAS

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the automatic addition of nine per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) list. TRI data are reported to EPA annually by facilities in certain industry sectors and federal facilities that manufacture, process, or otherwise […]

Settlement with Univar Solutions USA Inc. improves safety at Denver chemical distribution facility

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) DENVER – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a settlement with Univar Solutions USA Inc. (Univar) to resolve alleged violations of industrial accident-prevention requirements at one of Univar’s chemical distribution facilities in North Denver as well as four other Univar facilities located in Pennsylvania and Rhode […]

EPA Settlement with Univar Solutions USA Inc. Improves Safety at Five Chemical Distribution Facilities

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a settlement with Univar Solutions USA Inc. (Univar) to resolve alleged violations of industrial accident-prevention requirements at five facilities located in Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Colorado. Four of the five facilities are in overburdened communities with environmental justice […]

EPA Releases New PFAS Analytic Tools

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a new interactive webpage, called the “PFAS Analytic Tools,” which provides information about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) across the country. This information will help the public, researchers, and other stakeholders better understand potential PFAS sources in their […]

EPA Announces $500 Million Loan to Modernize Wastewater and Drinking Water Infrastructure in New Jersey

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a $500 million loan to the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank to modernize wastewater and drinking water systems serving over 10 million people throughout New Jersey. This is the first loan issued through the State Infrastructure Financing Authority Water […]

EPA Issues Next Test Order Under National Testing Strategy for PFAS Used in Plastics, Chemical Manufacturing

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the next Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) test order requiring testing on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) under EPA’s the National PFAS Testing Strategy. Today’s action orders companies to conduct and submit testing on trifluoro(trifluoromethyl)oxirane (HFPO), a perfluoroalkyl […]

U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program Advances Energy Management through Smart Homes

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the first mass-market Smart Home Energy Management System (SHEMS) to earn ENERGY STAR certification. With smart home products gaining in popularity across the country, this certification gives homeowners and renters nationwide the ability to choose systems that help […]

EPA Settles Clean Air Act Case with Polyurethane Facility in Earth City, Missouri

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) LENEXA, KAN. (JAN. 4, 2023) – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a settlement with Earth City, Missouri, polyurethane manufacturer Foam Supplies Inc. to resolve alleged violations of the federal Clean Air Act’s Risk Management Plan Rule. The settlement requires the company to pay a $7,398 […]

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $40 Million in Grants for Tribes and Intertribal Consortia to Improve Recycling Infrastructure

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of $40 million in grants for recycling infrastructure projects for Tribes and intertribal consortia. EPA published a Request for Applications to solicit interest by Tribes and intertribal consortia for the third funding opportunity in the new […]

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