Latin America Green News This Week: 7/21 – 7/27/2016

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Mexico & U.S. give hope to Vaquita Marina, Peru ratifies Paris Agreement, Chile’s economy too dependent on natural resources To get the weekly Latin America Green News blog delivered directly to your email, subscribe here. July 21 – July 27, 2016 Feature: Mexico-U.S. Bilateral Priorities Last week, President Obama […]

New Report: Computer Energy Use Can Easily Be Cut in Half

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Cutting computer energy waste, particularly when desktops and laptops are doing little or no work, could save consumers billions of dollars on their energy bills and avoid millions of tons of carbon pollution annually, according to a new report released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council.    […]

Restoring Endangered Coral Reefs

Published by Ocean Conservancy With mass coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef making headlines all over the world this summer, we wanted to check in with Tripp Funderburk of Coral Restoration Foundation to learn how corals in our part of the ocean are faring. First, what is the big deal about coral reefs?   Coral reefs are the rainforests […]

US to Weaken Fisheries Regulations for First Time in Decade

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The U.S. has been a global leader in confronting and effectively tackling the overexploitation of its ocean fisheries. While there’s work still be done—more than three dozen fish populations or stocks (out of 233) remain overfished—American fisheries today are among the most sustainable in the world. Yet, with […]

Sustainable construction starts with an efficient building envelope

Constructing energy-efficient homes and buildings has become standard practice across the Southeast, benefiting both the environment and consumers. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy consumption, an energy-efficient home can reduce families’ utility bills and improve indoor comfort. Delivering this performance begins with an efficient building envelope. Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation […]

Senator Hirono Speaks Up for Coral Reefs

Published by Ocean Conservancy Written by Hawaiian Senator Mazie K. Hirono.  Last month, 2,500 people from 97 countries flew to Hawaii–not for vacation, but to address the international crisis facing coral reefs around the world. Participating in the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, these world leaders, scientists, activists and students issued a powerful call to action […]

Mid-Atlantic Ocean Users Tell Congress to Support the New Ocean Action Plan

Published by Ocean Conservancy What do recreational fishermen, research scientists, commercial shipping representatives, conservationists and renewable energy developers have in common? They’ve all come together at a common table to address important decisions being made about our ocean thanks to ocean planning. Two weeks ago, over 20 ocean users from the five Mid-Atlantic states came to […]

Countries move closer to an agreement to further curb greenhouse gases under the Montreal Protocol

Published by the United Nations [UN] Environment Programme Governments set the stage for a possible agreement to reduce potent greenhouse gases under the Montreal Protocol. An amendment on reducing HFCs would be a significant step towards meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Read the full article at:

Vienna HFC Talks: Progress, High Expectations, & Work Ahead

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The HFC talks in Vienna wound up early Sunday morning with strong progress towards a Montreal Protocol amendment to phase down these super potent climate pollutants, and high expectations that the deal will be sealed in Kigali, Rwanda, this October.     Phasing down HFCs is the biggest […]

Report: Major ecosystem losses in Canada’s boreal since 2000

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund This blog was drafted by Elizabeth Shope and Danielle Droitsch Contrary to a recent report from Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN), which goes to great lengths to say all is well in Canada’s boreal forest, a report released by Global Forest Watch (GFW) Canada this month presents a very […]

Many Americans don’t realize the environmental consequences of food waste

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Your browser doesn’t support Javascript or has it disabled. onEarth works best with Javascript enabled. Many Americans don’t realize the environmental consequences of food waste – A new national survey finds that less than 60 percent of respondents know wasting food is bad for the environment. (Trashing food […]

The United States will miss its climate target if these pipelines get built

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Your browser doesn’t support Javascript or has it disabled. onEarth works best with Javascript enabled. The United States will miss its climate target if these pipelines get built – Energy companies want to build 19 natural gas pipelines across the eastern United States. But a new report says […]

Latin America Green News This Week: 7/14 – 7/20/2016

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Food insecurity plaguing the region, Guatemalan town strives to become adaptation model, Mexico adds budget to mitigation efforts in Tabasco To get the weekly Latin America Green News blog delivered directly to your email, subscribe here. July 14  – July 20, 2016 Climate Change As droughts continue to pose […]

Reducing Hydrofluorocarbons via the Montreal Protocol is the most significant climate action the world can take this year

Published by the United Nations [UN] Environment Programme An HFC phase-down can avoid up to 0.5⁰ Celsius of global warming by 2100. HFCs are the fastest-growing greenhouse gases. Many are 100s to 1000s of times more powerful than carbon dioxide (CO2) at warming the atmosphere. The Climate and Clean Air Coalition believes urgent actions, like an […]

Search & Destroy: The Republican (Anti-)Environmental Agenda

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund If you want to get a sense of what Republican Congressional leaders think about environmental policy, there’s no better place to start than the spending bill for environmental agencies that the House passed, largely along party lines, right before leaving town for the conventions and the rest of […]

Vienna HFC Update #2: Countries Engage and Bargaining Begins

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund HFC phase-down talks in Vienna are moving forward rapidly this week as countries engage on the specifics of freeze and reduction targets and funding needs. Negotiators have delved into key issues all week, and ministers are arriving for high-level talks over the next two days. Expectations are high […]

Britain’s New PM Just Sacked Its Climate Agency—What Now?

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund AP Photo/Frank Augstein When the United Kingdom surprised the world last month by voting to leave the European Union, a brief period of panic ensued as global markets struggled to absorb the news: The world’s sixth-largest economy had just voluntarily withdrawn from a powerful consortium whose 28 partners […]

Climate Risks Must Be Part of Plans to Help Nation’s Poorest

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Evacuating by truck through flood waters, Charity Hospital, New Orleans, after the Hurricane Katrina levee failure disaster. Ben Record/WikiCommons Imagine what it would be like to struggle to pay your bills, feed your children, get to work, or find work on a daily basis. Then picture having to do those […]

Take Action on the Future of Coal in the United States!

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Powder River Basin, WY EcoFlight We’re coming up on an important milestone in the history of coal mining in the United States. In January, the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) announced a moratorium on new federal coal leases. In addition, it announced it was conducting a comprehensive review […]

From Bridges to Water Pipes: Doing Infrastructure in Ways That Boost the Economy, People and Places Where We Live

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Communities, cities and regions can do better than succumbing to the relentless budget pressures and inertia that contribute to failures like the Flint, Mich., drinking water disaster, road and bridge collapses, train derailments and sewer overflows plaguing localities nationwide. They don’t have to think of “infrastructure”—such as bridges, […]

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