The Trump Administration Gives Polluters Another Free Pass, So We’re Suing

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The EPA’s move to deregulate methane leaks puts communities across the country at risk—and it’s against the law. Nik Zane/Flickr Late last week, on the heels of the president’s reckless decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that […]

States, Cities Intensify Climate Protection Efforts

Published by the Environmental News Service SACRAMENTO, California, June 4, 2017 (ENS) – As President Donald Trump pulls the United States out of the UN’s Paris Agreement on Climate, U.S. states and cities and subnational jurisdictions on six continents are filling the void with their own protective climate actions. Read the full article at:

State, local, and business leaders will continue to support US climate action to meet the Paris Agreement

Published by the World Wildlife Fund More than 1,000 US governors, mayors, businesses, investors, and colleges and universities assembled today to reaffirm their commitment to climate action and declare they will continue to pursue ambitious emissions reductions despite the Trump administration’s decision to pull out of an unprecedented and essential international agreement to curb climate change. […]

Latin America Climate Action Critical After US Paris Retreat

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement was, as expected, widely critiqued by governments in Latin America. Over the past several years, several countries in the region have been vocal advocates of the need for ambitious global action on climate change. This willingness to take […]

Will the Real Climate Leaders Please Stand Up?

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Gage Skidmore/Flickr On June 1, President Trump announced that the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement. He made the announcement in the White House Rose Garden, a beautiful setting for an ugly stream of falsehoods that betrayed a fundamental misunderstanding of the climate accord, […]

The 3 most flagrant falsehoods from Trump’s climate speech

Published by the Environmental Defense Fund Everyone’s eyes glazed over trying to keep track of the untruths Trump delivered in his speech. Here are a few fibs that really stood out.       Read the full article at:

We Must Fight Trump’s Decision on Paris Agreement

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund After Trump made a reckless decision yesterday to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement I was privileged to join an impromptu rally outside the White House to let President Trump know that the American public strongly disagree with his decision. There was a large and diverse crowd standing […]

Local Leaders Defy Trump’s Paris Withdrawal

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund We in the Urban Solutions program at NRDC were in Paris to watch the COP21 agreement happen, and we were part of the effort by cities to help nations and regions lead on climate. Now, with President Trump’s decision to reverse our nation’s commitments to this historic agreement, we turn to […]

Trump: U.S. Will Exit Paris Climate Accord

Published by the Environmental News Service WASHINGTON, DC, June 2, 2017 (ENS) – President Donald Trump has decided to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement on Climate, signed by 195 nations and formally joined by 147 of them, including the United States. The USA now joins Syria and Nicaragua as the only […]

The Real Lowdown: The Trump and Congressional Republican Assault on Our Environment, Vol. 13

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund A day that will go down in history as the time America turned its back on the world, plus more climate denial and attacks on our health from the EPA. President Trump returns to the Oval Office after announcing the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. Sipa […]

NYS Bill Would Needlessly Hinder Wind Power Development

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Some members of the New York State Senate this week advanced dangerous legislation that would needlessly stop wind power development within 40 miles of military bases throughout the state. If enacted, this bill would make it nearly impossible for New York state to meet its ambitious “50% by […]

Week 19: The United States Is Now One of Just Three Nations to Neg the Paris Climate Accord

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Welcome to our weekly Trump v. Earth column, in which onEarth reviews the environment-related shenanigans of President Trump and his allies. Shawn Thew/EPA/Newscom A Laughingstock President Trump announced on Thursday that the United States would begin the process to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement. In making his case […]

Trump’s Paris Withdrawal Cedes Global Leadership to China

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund It’s no hoax: by recklessly withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, Trump has just ceded the race for global leadership to China. Not only has he weakened American influence in the world, he has also damaged our relationship with some of our most important allies who no longer believe they can rely on […]

Why Are Plastics Ending Up in the Arctic?

Published by Ocean Conservancy As we’ve learned, nowhere is immune to marine debris. From the sweeping vistas of Antarctica to the uninhabited island of Midway Atoll, ocean pollution is everywhere—showing that the consequences of trash extend far beyond what we see on our local beaches. But the big question is how? How does trash end up […]

Signs of Climate Hope from Congress. Wait, What?

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Eric B. Walker/Flickr During his recent trip to Europe, President Trump heard firsthand from other major world leaders why withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement was a bad idea. At home, similar arguments have been made by his secretary of state, his secretary of energy, top business executives, […]

A Response to Trump on Climate #ParisAgreement

Published by Ocean Conservancy Gavin Schmidt, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, elegantly responded to the potential US withdrawal from the Paris Climate treaty with a simple quote by Galileo: “eppure si riscalda (and yet it moves)”. As history has it, this was Galileo’s stubborn response to church inquisitors questioning his findings about […]

Efficiency Standards: A Few Steps Forward, A Few Steps Back

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund First, some good news: After a lengthy and illegal delay, the Trump Administration finally announced that new bipartisan energy efficiency standards for ceiling fans, which will save consumers up to $12 billion over the next 30 years, will become effective on September 30th. NRDC, joined by consumer advocates, […]

Assembly Passes Clean Energy for Renters Bill

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The California Assembly late yesterday passed a bill that will ensure low-income renters are not left behind by California’s clean energy investments. Assembly Bill 1088 (sponsored by Assembly Member Susan Eggman) will increase the accessibility of California’s diverse offerings for the multifamily rental housing sector, and put California […]

The More You NOAA: Learning From (Dead) Whales

Published by Ocean Conservancy The Trump administration’s newly proposed budget would cut nearly $1 billion from NOAA. Follow along with our “The More You NOAA” blog series to see how these cuts would impact the families and communities who rely on a healthy ocean. Then take action to tell Congress to say “No” to cutting NOAA. […]

Climate Change Is Making the Chicago River Run Backwards

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund 33,000,000,000. That’s the number of gallons of contaminated Chicago River water that have flowed into Lake Michigan—source of drinking water and quality of life for millions of Americans—in the last decade. The River normally flows away from the Lake, so what gives? Blame climate change. And infrastructure not […]

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