EPA Administrator Pruitt Burns His Own Scientists Again

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund There’s an ever-widening gap at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) between scientists and their boss, Scott Pruitt. The latest comes after media stories about a major climate report awaiting approval from the Trump administration. Administrator Pruitt said the draft report “ought to be subjected to, what—peer-review, objective […]

Missing from U.S. & Mexican NAFTA Plans: People & the Planet

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement—NAFTA—has been an international topic of discussion and conjecture for many months. That conversation will shift from speculation to substance when negotiators from Mexico, Canada and the U.S. sit down for the first round of negotiations on August 16. The […]

New Poll: Americans Decry Wrong Infrastructure Investment

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund President Trump often brings up infrastructure in the brief on-the-record encounters he has with the press, and he repeats the theme that passing an infrastructure plan should be the easier of his initiatives, predicting bipartisan support on Capitol Hill. Americans say they support infrastructure spending but a new […]

India@70: Building Climate Resilience

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Co-Authored by Sayantan Sarkar As India commemorates its 70th Independence Day, the devastating impacts of climate change are becoming more real, every day. Climate change is here and global temperatures are increasing. Deadly heat waves, floods, and cyclones are hitting communities across the globe. The need to prepare […]

NY Begins Exploring Pricing Carbon in its Electricity Market

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Imagine what would happen if the utilities buying the electricity to power our homes and businesses had to pay more for it depending on how much carbon pollution the power plants supplying the power pumped into the atmosphere? A report issued today for the state of New York […]

More Extreme Summer Heat Threatens Outdoor Play

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund This blog post was written by my colleague Will Shafer.  I grew up with the mindset that much of each summer day should be spent outside. Whether it be playing sports with friends, helping my family in the yard, or visiting the beach, time outdoors was always a […]

The Real Lowdown: The Trump and Congressional Republican Assault on Our Environment, Vol. 23

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Scientists warn that the world is already experiencing the effects of climate change as Trump officially withdraws from the Paris Agreement. iStock In his first seven months, President Trump has done just about everything imaginable to try to roll back, reduce, and ridicule actions to address climate change. […]

Week 29: Can Trump Resist the Temptation to Censor the National Climate Assessment?

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Welcome to our weekly Trump v. Earth column, in which onEarth reviews the environment-related shenanigans of President Trump and his allies. President Trump at a Make America Great Again rally in West Virginia, August 3, 2017 Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images Censor-in-Chief In addition to news this week that the U.S. Department […]

Trump’s Top 3 Excuses if Climate Report is Approved

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Third National Climate Assessment (2014) Earlier this week, the New York Times published a piece on a major climate report awaiting final clearance from the White House on August 18. On the heels of that story, an international report released yesterday confirmed that 2016 was the third consecutive […]

Climate Action: Global Transition Away from HFCs

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Co-Authored by Henry Ruehl, NRDC Energy Fellow In India and the world, governments, businesses, and environmental groups continue to make steady progress toward phasing down the use of harmful climate-damaging hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in air conditioners, as shown in the recent Bangkok talks. While the recent decision of the […]

Americans Oppose EPA & Environmental Budget Cuts

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Americans concerned about their health shouldn’t breathe easy just because Congress left town after the dramatically failed effort to take away health care from tens of millions of people. While it may take a while for Republican leaders to tackle that fight again, September will see Congress wrangle […]

Positive Steps Taken Towards Reducing Risk of Heavy Fuel Oil Spills in the Arctic

Published by Ocean Conservancy As vessel traffic increases in Arctic waters, so does the chance of oil spills. While an oil spill of any kind would have negative impacts, a spill of heavy fuel oil (HFO)—a viscous, sticky residual fuel used by many large vessels—would be especially devastating to the marine ecosystem. Just last month, an […]

EPA Issues Guidance on State Coal Ash Management Permit Programs

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released an interim final guidance to help states develop and submit permit programs for the safe management of coal combustion residuals (CCR), commonly known as coal ash, to EPA for review and approval. Read the full article at: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-issues-guidance-state-coal-ash-management-permit-programs

Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

Published by Ocean Conservancy It’s fitting that today—the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples—is when I get to introduce you to three remarkable young people who are part of Ocean Conservancy’s commitment to bring more diversity into marine conservation. Through the Roger Arliner Young Marine Conservation Diversity Fellowship, we are honored to host Emily Okikawa, […]

Indigenous Groups Against Corporations in Latin America

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Guest blog by Meredith Brown and Carley Reynolds, Latin America Project Interns Protests Photo Credit: Daniel Cima Indigenous peoples across Latin America have demonstrated their determination to protect their communities and their territories over the centuries and, in the process, have proven their role as stewards of the […]

Indigenous Women: Defending the Environment in Latin America

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Guest blog by Meredith Brown and Carley Reynolds, NRDC Latin America Project Interns Indigenous Women at the UN UNDESA-DSPD/Jimmy Kruglinski On this International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, we celebrate the successes of indigenous peoples in Latin America in protecting their lands and communities. In particular, we […]

Divided DC Circuit Panel Sets Back HFC Transition

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund A divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit dealt a setback yesterday to the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to cut emissions of the powerful heat-trapping gases called hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The case is called Mexichem Fluor, Inc. v. EPA. The court’s ruling […]

Why is Bristol Bay important for salmon? And seven other Bristol Bay facts

Published by the World Wildlife Fund Alaska’s Bristol Bay is a sprawling watershed of winding streams and rivers, vast wetlands and tundra, forests of alder and spruce, and home to a variety of fish, birds and terrestrial animals. This breathtaking place is rightly referred to as “America’s Fish Basket” because it is one of the most […]

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