FERC to Revisit Outdated Pipeline Review Process

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The new chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) recently announced plans to review its decades-old approach for evaluating proposals for interstate gas pipelines. The announcement came just weeks after the release of a groundbreaking report commissioned by NRDC, discussed here, which found that FERC’s pipeline policy […]

EPA Weekly Report, January 19, 2018

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) From a wide-ranging interview with CBS News, meeting with Regional Administrators in Dallas, outlining our goals for 2018, to releasing the Superfund redevelopment list, it was a winning week at the EPA.   Read the full article at: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-weekly-report-january-19-2018

Oil and Orcas Don’t Mix

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The Southern Resident orca whale faces a new—and existential—threat. Today, only 76 of these orcas swim the waters off the Pacific Northwest shoreline.  If Secretary Ryan Zinke and the Trump Administration succeed in opening the U.S. coastline to oil and gas drilling, we could lose these magnificent whales—forever. […]

A Fresh Chance to Achieve a Sustainable Water Future for CA

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The water world has been abuzz this past week with confirmation that the proponents of the massive, twin tunnel water diversion project in the Delta (aka “WaterFix”) are redefining the project.  This pivot was precipitated by the failure of proponents to attract funding anywhere near the $17 billion […]

What We Can Learn from Energy-Saving Program Critiques

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Energy efficiency can be used to save customers money, reduce dangerous climate pollution, and stimulate the economy. Some recent studies that call into question the magnitude of those benefits may provide useful information to make improvements to particular programs, but we should be cautious about generalizing their findings […]

New weather stations support climate and water research in Bhutan

Published by the World Wildlife Fund Researchers have set up four weather stations in a preserve in the mountains of north Bhutan for the first time, allowing them to monitor conditions at various altitudes over the long-term. Data collected by these stations will help determine the best ways to help wildlife in the region adapt to […]

EPA Hurricane Maria Update for January 18, 2018: Hazardous Household Materials Collection Program Underway on Vieques

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON (January 18, 2018) — Continuing its Hurricane Maria response efforts, the U.S Environmental Protection Agency is collecting hazardous household materials, orphan containers and e-waste items in Vieques, Puerto Rico. Read the full article at: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-hurricane-maria-update-january-18-2018-hazardous-household-materials-collection

Actualización de la EPA sobre el Huracán Maria correspondiente al 18 de enero de 2018:

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON (18 de enero de 2018) — Continuando con su labor de respuesta tras el Huracán María, la Agencia Federal de Protección Ambiental de los EE. UU. Read the full article at: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/actualizacion-de-la-epa-sobre-el-huracan-maria-correspondiente-al-18-de-enero-de-2018

A New Discovery in Alaska: The Frilled Giant Pacific Octopus

Published by Ocean Conservancy Greetings from chilly Anchorage! Towards the end of December, scientists discovered a new species of Pacific octopus in the waters of Prince William Sound, Alaska. I am a BIG fan of Pacific octopus, so you can imagine my excitement when I learned that a pair of marine biologists from Alaska Pacific University […]

EPA Releases Superfund Redevelopment Focus List

Publilshed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WASHINGTON (January 17, 2018) – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its initial list of Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) sites with the greatest expected redevelopment and commercial potential. Read the full article at: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-releases-superfund-redevelopment-focus-list

California’s Budget: Progress Made & Saving for a Rainy Day

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund California state capitol building in Sacramento Jeff Turner, Flickr If Joe Biden is right when he says, “Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value,” then California values children, education, climate action, mobility, and social and economic justice for […]

Western Renewable Energy Just Keeps Getting Cheaper

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund Wind and solar projects in the western U.S. have reached price levels that few would have predicted even a few years ago. For those that have read our blogs before, you might be thinking that we’ve said that before, and, well, we have. But the prices keep falling, […]

States Step Up for Progress on Efficiency Standards

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund In the face of threatened rollbacks and inaction on national appliance energy efficiency standards by the Trump administration, the states are stepping up to protect their citizens and climate. Driven by their desire for climate leadership as part of the U.S. Climate Alliance, states including California, New York, […]

Zinke vs. Coastal Governors

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund iStock Well, this is awkward. After opening 90 percent of America’s coastlines to offshore drilling last week, U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke exempted Florida after its governor, Rick Scott, asked him to. That’s great news for Florida’s communities, coastal habitats, and local economies (and, ahem, Mar-a-Lago), […]

Can McDonalds make our food system more sustainable?

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund At McDonalds, even incremental progress towards achieving sustainability goals can be significant. Today, the restaurant giant announced a new commitment to up its recycling game. Under the new goals, McDonalds says it will encourage and enable recycling in every one of its 37,000 restaurants around the world, while […]

We Trusted Zinke and He Has Failed Us.

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund The Department of the Interior touches more lives in more ways than any other federal agency.  Led by Secretary Ryan Zinke, the agency manages one-fifth of the land in the United States including our national parks, wildlife refuges, and the delivery of water and power in the West. […]

Clean Power Plan Hearings: Powerful Voices Against Repeal

Published by the Natural Resources Defense Fund When EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt proposed to repeal the Clean Power Plan – the largest step yet taken to curb America’s climate-changing carbon pollution – he scheduled a single public hearing, in Charleston, West Virginia, last November and allowed a short period for public comment that was intended […]

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