America’s Chemical Industry, Central to Rebuilding our Nation’s Infrastructure

Yes, it’s Infrastructure Week. Again! And, it couldn’t come soon enough. One of the few issues everyone in Washington and across the nation can agree on is that America’s aging and failing infrastructure is in desperate need of attention.

Infrastructure is one of the few unifying issues in Congress that is on the must do list for just about every member. Fixing our infrastructure is also important because it’s one of the things that connects everyone in our broad and diverse country. Every American relies on it every day and it’s key to a bright and better future for everyone.

The U.S. business of chemistry will be central to the rebuilding effort since we depend on and contribute to a stronger and better infrastructure. That’s why America’s chemical manufacturers are all in on the effort.

Addressing our country’s growing infrastructure problems is especially important to our members since an efficient transportation network and robust energy infrastructure are vital to chemical manufacturing and our industry’s ability to innovate, grow and create good paying American jobs.

Just as a highly functioning infrastructure system is important to keeping chemical manufacturing strong in America, our industry is key to making America’s infrastructure better than before. That’s because our members create advanced materials that go into infrastructure upgrades to make them more sustainable and resilient in addition to helping make them lighter, stronger, and more cost effective.

In fact, the chemical industry invests more in research and development than leading industries like electronics, automobiles and healthcare – investing more than $10 billion in 2019. An effective infrastructure package should help support the development and use of these advanced materials and techniques in new applications, including the use of recycled materials.

When it comes to specific policies solutions, we are long-time supporters of the IMAGINE Act to spur research and development of new materials and the SMART Infrastructure Act  to promote open competition and increase transparency when spending federal dollars on infrastructure projects. Our industry prides itself on finding new and innovative ways to take on big challenges. We are committed to working with the Administration and leaders of both parties in Congress to enact policies that use market-based solutions to modernize our nation’s aging infrastructure.

The post America’s Chemical Industry, Central to Rebuilding our Nation’s Infrastructure appeared first on American Chemistry Matters.
