A Pivotal Time for Democracy

Published by Ocean Conservancy

Today, we woke up with more questions than answers after Election Day. But an unclear winner isn’t a sign that democracy is failing—in fact, it’s an example of the process at work.

As much as we might want to close the book on the election season, democracy takes time. We must make sure every vote is counted, and that we count every vote, in order to ensure a democratic election is upheld. It’s our job as citizens and as part of civil society to hold our government accountable for a free and fair electoral process.

The process of the 2020 election is simply different. With more mail-in ballots than ever before, it will take longer than usual to count them all. As members of civil society, Ocean Conservancy and our members are a critical part of a functional democracy. So as advocates for a clean and healthy ocean for all, we have a role to play in supporting democracy. It is critical that we remain steadfast and stay united.

Declaring results before all the votes are counted only leads to confusion and frustration. No one in the media, online or in either political party should rush to make any announcements about who won the election until we count all votes, including those from military overseas, Americans abroad and others who have voted by mail.

It’s our job to stay united, and encourage others to stay united, too.

Every voter deserves to have their voice heard, and it’s all of our responsibility to ensure that happens. Together, we can hold our government and media accountable for a free and fair election process. Our voices united cannot be ignored.

We will know the outcome of the election soon, and then we will prepare for whatever lies ahead over the next four years.

The post A Pivotal Time for Democracy appeared first on Ocean Conservancy.

Read the full article at: https://blog.oceanconservancy.org/blog/2020/11/04/pivotal-time-democracy/
